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Wednesday, April 27, 2005

Well, guess wad? During PE lesson, Mr Bay called out e names of the students who either failed or absent during the NAPFA 2.4 km. AGAIN! What happened? I found out later that the person who supposed 2 keep the recorded paper lost it and becos of dat, all those who did the run previously had 2 do it again.. Poor thing, man.. Lucky I'm not the one.. Those who passed could play any games they wanted. Me, Amalina & Warm wanted 2 play badminton but instead dat Mr Lim told us 2 play Frisbee..

After frisbee, we played this game, a weird & funny game... I couldn't rmbr wats it called... It's got 2 do wif following wat e 1st person do... And in our group, was Amalina..

Later, wen PE almost ended, we caught up with others. Nurmani told me dat Naqia failed e run. WHAT? How on earth can dat be? It's 'bout e timing, I was told.. Surprisingly, Amirah also failed... *sigh*

During Malay lesson (Mdm Marini was absent), Fitri was giving out OREOs to us. That biscuits were given frm Natasha as a birthdae present. Btw, Naqia wrote a letter 2 Mr Bay asking him 2 correct e timing... And den during last period of sch, Naqia told me dat Mr Bay walked past our class and put a 'thumbs up' sign 2 her.. Wow!!

Saturday, April 23, 2005

Okae, so finally, only me & Marlina went 2 e gathering. Because of my decision be4, Amal changed her plan. Stupid me.. I shouldn't have said dat. I dunno who 2 blame. Maybe it's me..or there's actually no one's mistake.

So I went dere, wen reached already, I
felt like standing outside waiting 4 Marlina. Cuz I looked @ all the gurls, dey wearing clothes dat r more 'sopan'. Unlike me, I wore jeans and no socks on. Ashamed.. But den, of course, cannot be standing e whole dae outside. At 1st, I didn't realise dat I was standing in front of a group of guys chatting. Den sumhow, I saw their shirts and becum embarrassed. Oh God! I quickly went inside.. Pretend not 2 care if dey looked @ me.. I was really, really embarrassed.. Felt like going home.. I saw e girls writing sumting on a paper whilst sum of 'em held books.

Wating 4 Marlina was like hours..tho it's 20 mins.. The guys and sum girls already went 2 e conference room while sum of us stayed behind, waiting 4 frens.. Oh, ya! 4got 2 mention dat I saw Shahmi too. I guess he was a volunteer 2 huh? Maybe dats why me, Marlina, Amal & Atikah saw him @ e festival wif his mum. He probably finished his shift @ dat tyme.

Finally wen Marlina came, I sumhow heard e group of girls behind me comment 'bout Marlina's
clothes. Arghh... I hate e girl wif black scarf. Big mouth!. Be4 dat, dey were talking 'bout me being a vlounteer 2. One asked e other one (whom I'm sure the one dat Amal said she's in Sec 3) if she's(me) e same girl she saw @ e carnival.

We came 2 e Conf. Rm, took our
gift which was a diary '05, went inside. Dere was a 'taklimat' inside. Den me & Marlina went 2 pray. After dat, ate Roti Kirai. Den we talked @ 1 of e benches. When we suddenly realised it was 6.30 pm already, we quickly went back 2 e Conf. Rm 2 receive our certificate.

Un42nately, all dis while I didn't see 'him'. Aw... Hahaha... Wonder if he WAS dere but I just didn't see him. But, luckily I managed 2 see another guy who volunteered on e same shift wif us on e 2nd dae. He partnered wif 'him'. We took e same bus and he alighted @ e place where e festival was once held..

Thursday, April 21, 2005
AHH... I AM SO DAMN STRESS... ; 10:20 pm

Yes, u heard me rite. I AM stress rite now. Cuz I'm thinking a lot of stuffs. *sigh* Arghh..!! I'm the only one who still haven't sleep yet in this house. Aniwae, it's onli 10.24 PM. It's not like it's already midnight, rite? Okae, so what bothers me most is dis gathering dat I've been writing on the previous entry. Yeah, 'bout the volunteer thingy. I just sent an email to Kak Nazrin. Hope she reply ASAP. Like I said, I DUN WANT 2 go alone... No one 2 talk 2. Only smile..

Den also, 2mrw got Physic test and yet I haven't been studying... cuz my mind is switch off rite now... TM said e most important part 2 study is the Convection... I knew it... Mr Lim's note are all useless.. TM said they're empty-handed. All dis while, I've been referring 2 e textbk instead of e notes wen doin' e hw ( which r thick & consist of repeated qns..)

So I guess I'll stop here ah.. Tired seh.. Need sleep but dun wan.. Cuz haven't finish yet Chemistry hw.. All last-minute huh? Yess....

Sunday, April 17, 2005
EVERY1 CAME.. ; 8:20 pm

Guess wad? 2dae @ mad, evri1 came.. which is bien sur, a good news. I think dis is the first time everi1 present. I happen 2 be the 1st girl to arrive. When I reached the class, I found 4 pairs of 'budget' slippers. I changed my mind of goin' inside wen I heard a sound of a chair being moved. I thought dere's no one seh..

So, I went back 2 the front & den, Seri came.... After a while, Haziq & Hakim came from the back. So it was 'em.. Atikah came.. we talked 'bout the SYF of all things... Atikah's sch got Bronze (1st time dey participate & thought dey gonna get COP), Seri's & mine Silver.. Surprisingly, VS won a Gold.. We went back to class.. Then one by one came... During lesson, Marlina & Tarmimi were the last 2 came in..

Blah, blah, blah,.... after recess wen most of us were already in class, we heard a women some sort of yelling 2 sum1. We all thought she was Haziq's mum yelling @ him 4 playing soccer while he should be in class already... Ha-ha.. She really looked like Haziq's. Wen talking 2 Baizurah, didn't notice dat Ustaz came in. And, boy, was I surprised 2 see him AGAIN! Yeah, who else if not dat Ustaz Mesir.. Haha.. Ok, Ustaz Nasir.. Man, I really hate his teachings... So inexperienced.. How cum he can be an Ustaz, I wonder...

Watever it is, everyting went smooth. Only dat the beeping of my hp spoiled the day. Firstly, I heard sumone's hp ringing from the next door. Den I rmbred dat I hadn't switch my hp 2 silent mode so I quickly did dat. Few seconds later, my hp beeped and I quickly covered my pocket. Oops.. 2 loud, I guess. Later wen I opened the messsage, it's her , asking 4 hw. Dis time, 4 the 1st time, I didn't wrote down the hw. Instead I told her 2 use her brain 2 think. Her reply? Action sey.. Yeah, rite. Me, action? I was angry la, don't y'noe dat?

Saturday, April 16, 2005

Yahoo!! I just came back from sending Atikah 2 the 'kapal' thingy 4 e driver to fetch her.. But be4 dat, I went 2 check the letter box & guess wad? I got e invitation card!! Finally.. Haha.. The card stated dat e 'gatherings' appreciation reception will be held next wk @ the conference room. Started @ 4.30pm-6.30pm... Highlights..- Gift collection & certificate presentation... Ooh, how happy I am! I will have e opportunity 2 see him again!! Yeah...

But, still, I have a problem. Marlina & Amalina didn't received a call from 'em. Atikah..I'm not sure... I haven't ask her yet. They are also volunteers 4 the festival and Marlina also in the Tabung Jumaat Collection.. So, the thing is, why dey didn't get e call? I told 'em 2 wait 4 e invitation card cuz maybe the people have their home address... Wadever it is, I hope I'm right. Otherwise... I'm goin' 2 e gathering alone... NOOO..!!

Friday, April 15, 2005
SUCH A LONG DAE ; 10:39 pm

2dae, on e way 2 Nad's house, took 81 so tt I could somehow met Nad on e same bus. When I boarded, I could not see her. But wen alighting I finally saw her. We both smile.. :)
There, @ her house, she, Aunty & me talked for a long time... Dere's many things 2 talk 'about & dats great!

Den again, it's time 4 me to go. Amalina sms-ed me whether I'm goin' 4 AC or not. I planned 4 us 2 go 2gether.. I waited 4 her near GO instead @ the school gate. Oops.. Didn't read e message properly, I guess...

Monday, April 11, 2005
MONDAE BLUES ; 8:19 pm

Ouh, man... 2 dae is indeed a really bad dae 4 me.. I didn't bring dis... didn't bring dat.. Arghh!! Hmm...ok, let's see. Let's recall wat happened 2dae.. Uh, during Club Wellness, nothing went wrong..Besides, everything went great.. We got running around the field..like 2.4 km...well, dats wat Mr Malik said. The first one, I ran.. and got the 3rd place.. Haha.. Den, we were told not to run cuz we were given 2.30 min. But @ dat tyme, our time was 1.20 min. Dat was a fast one! I thought 2 min sumting seh...

Den during classes, I spent most of maths lesson doin' eng hw.. Haven't finish yet the final summary.. Blah blah blah... nothing went wrong. Malay lesson, didn't bring malay textbk... POA... didn't bring the paper... In fact, I lost it. Dunno where the hell I keep it.. Speaking of POA, I just did the punishment. I hope he gets it. Otherwise....uh, let's not go in2 dat

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