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Tuesday, May 31, 2005
ACTUALLY, IT'S OK ; 8:03 pm

2dae, went 2 bus stop & saw Kak Su, who was also goin' 2 sch.. As far as I rmbred, it was e 1st time we smiled @ each other...

In bus, few Greenviewians were inside. Namely my frens, Fazlina & Isabelle.

I asked Azizah & 'Azza 2 joined me in class as Amirah sat behind and Tarmizi, absent. So, dats why I called 'em so as not 2 be alone.. The class ended early. On e way down e staircase, Naqia asked 4 an explanation on why I didn't come 2 her aunt's shop on saturdae.. So I told her 'bout me & my cuzzins went 2 Orchard till 7pm. No time 2 go, man.

Joanne invited me 2 join her & Farah 2 Naqia's aunty's shop and so I agreed.. Dere, we all ordered e same thing= Nasi Briyani & Iced Milo dat all costed $4.70. Lucky I had enuf money. After dat we went 2 pet shop 2 see cute hamsters.. Haha.. I wish I owned one!

Den I followed Farah 2 Tamp. Mall while Joanne went home. Actually, I purposedly wanted 2 waste time.. I sumhow didn't want 2 go home early...

Monday, May 30, 2005
*SIGH* ; 8:10 pm

So damn tired ahh...
Can't believe 2mrw got class 2 attend...
The next dae is e worst.
7 hrs having lessons?
Got break or not?

Sunday, May 29, 2005
SLEEPY? YES, INDEED.... ; 4:07 pm

Wen 2 madrasah 2gether wif Amal.
Only few ppl came.
Almost 3/4 of e students absent.
I guess,
they, the absentees are already on holidays...
For e whole 3 periods be4 recess, I kept sleeping...
Oh, well, can't help it.
Den recess...

After dat, 2 more periods 2 go..
And, yes, dis time, I managed 2 keep my eyes open...
Last period, there's more laughter.
Ustaz was being 'selengeh'. Why?
He kept asking for 'Haikal'
as far as I'm concerned,
does not even exist in our class.
And btw,
he was marking the wrong attendance,
and I didn't tell him.
Instead, I told Amal
and we laughed about it.
We're crazy on dat dae, I tell you.

On e way back 2 bus stop,
Filzah approached me,
asking where 2 take Bus 31.
I told her and soon realised,
I gave her e long direction.
Wanted 2 shout @ her,
but did not.

In Bus 55,
I saw Filzah & her brother again,
and knew straigh away,
she misunderstood me.
They were both @ e wrong bus stop,
where there's no Bus 31 there..

Saturday, May 28, 2005
ORCHARD ROAD ; 9:46 pm

The minute I reached e bus stop, Bus 3 came. Then met Nad in the MRT station. Den both of us were surprised wen we found out Hasanah would joined us. Haha.. Sumhow in e train, I realised I checked e show time 4 Star Wars 4 yesterdae's one. Not 2dae. Damn! So gurls, if u read dis, sorry I didn't tell ya.. I dun want to add another panic situation.. So I lied 2 u guys.. Sorry...

So @ 11 sumting, we met Kak Zahira & her guy @ e traffic near e cinema. My eyes are good. Can see 'em from far. We went 2 Cathay Cineleisure, booked 6 tickets on Star Wars shown at 1.05pm. Den went 2 HMV & bought nothing. Found ourselves settling down at e theatre at 1.10 pm. Overall, e movie was a good one. Sad thing was, Anakin's bad... Poor thing, man.. After dat, went 2 Far East Plaza 2 eat. On e way, we got free Coca Cola (bottle). Great, man! The drink was so damn cold! Everyone was grabbing for it. Cuz it's free!!! Wen in e food court, I was thinking of eating carrot cake but no, I ended up ordering Mee Goreng. There were so many Mats & Minahs eating there too.

Blah blah, went window shopping. Went 2 Kinokuniya. Dis time, my eyes are not working. I was finding Chicken Soup's Books and didn't notice I just walked past 'em. Hmm..I den found e book I was searching dis whole time but 2 my dismay, there's only one dats in very bad condition. Later, Kak Haney found another one. But I let Hasanah took it. No regrets tho. Haha..

After dat, we went 2 pray Asar &amp; Maghrib while Kak Zahira & Hasanah went 2 find Choc. Fudge dat Nurul asked 2 buy. Un42nately, they didn't found e fudge...

We were walking 2wards 7 Eleven wen I saw an employee from Starbucks giving out free Cappuchino to e crowds. So, because I'm a coffee person, I joined in e Q. It's not hot and tasted like dad's favourite coffee.

Speaking of dis, I rmbred we watched a performance done by 6-years-old Ethan Ong. He's handicapped, I guess. Or maybe not.. He played e drums ( actually, I can't rmbr wats e instruments called) like a pro! Very impressive...

Now, I'll stop here.. *sigh* 2mrw got Madrasah... Sleepy...

Thursday, May 26, 2005

Credits to this wonderful men:

And not 2 forgotten, their smart, patient manager: Rafael Benitez

LIVERPOOL... ; 3:50 am

Rite now, 3-0 to AC Milan.. Argh..! What's happening 2 Liverpool? Oh, well, I got bad feeling dat Liverpool will not win e final since yesterday's morning. Got some reasons why i think of dat but I'm not telling ya. Milan Baros was playing but for me, it should be Djibril Cisse... I dunno why but I miss Owen playing 4 Liverpool after watching his former team-mates playing. The defending is good but the striking is not. Baros is always surrounded by white shirts. No chance..
I dunno wat 2 say. Tho, e TV is switched on, I'm not watching... I'm so fed-up. I want Cisse 2 join e finals! Instead, he is right now sitting on e bench watching ...............

Ahhh........!!! Liverpool just scored a goal... Steven Gerrard's e scorer... Ahh... Yippee!!!! I just went crazy....I was jumping around e living room!!

4.01 am-> Wait! Another goal from Liverpool! Dis time from Smicer.... Ya Allah! Dis is just too unbelievable! A miracle has just happened! 3-2!! And, I cried..

4.06AM-> Another miracle happened... And I cried...again!! I am so, very, extremely, exceedingly, grateful to Allah s.w.t for making this happened.... In JUST 5 mins, from NIL, to 3!! Can you believe dat?!

I was right wen watching e 1st half....Dat during 2nd half, Liverpool will do better...
And, now, so I am declaring, LIVERPOOL, THERE IS STILL HOPE!
Pls dun waste time... Rite now, it's 3-3. Be Optimistic...

Gonna be writing back soon...

Wednesday, May 25, 2005

It's NAUGHTY BOY'S BITRHDAY and I didn't gave him any present... In fact, none of my siblings did... And so he said, it's e worst day of celebrating his birthday. Complained there's no present, no cake, no nothing!

But, he was SO damn wrong.

Minutes later, we were celebrating his special day with a chocolate cake and 2 barbeque chicken as a present. Haha.. Yeah, rite..

The cake was so delicious and yummy dat I even 'helped' finished Amirah's & Mom's cakes. Ahh...

Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Comin' Thurs, is gonna be big day 4 LIVERPOOL & AC MILAN...
I'm so damn nervous...
LIVERPOOL, all e best & GD LUCK!
AC MILAN, e opposite luck..
Oops.. Sorry..
I'm bad..
Ok, AC MILAN, all e best & GD LUCK too...

NOT MUCH ; 4:01 pm

2dae, only few came 2 class. Most of e absentees went 2 OBS (local). It's really fun though cos those who made noise weren't there..

During POA, half of e class didn't bring e textbk. So they have 2 sit on e floor. Throughout e lesson, I understood what was being taught. Later, though, my mind's blank...

Btw, Naqia told me 2 come 2 her aunt's food court between 1 Jun & 12 Jun @ 11am-5pm cos she's gonna be working 2 earn money 2 pay for e chalet she & her cuzzins booked for e coming holidays... I thought of going there with my cuzzins...

Sunday, May 22, 2005
SUCHA LONG DAE ; 9:09 pm

When reaching Madrasah, I found out the whole classrooms blacked out. Den wen I turned 2 see if Ustaz came already or not, I got a surprise. There seated Ustaz 'Mesir' instead of Ustaz Danimansyah. He's still making us, e students feel invisible... Cos he always ask questions 2 his fav. student, Fudhayl...

Den after the sch ended, I went 2 find Amirul. On e way 2 bus stop, I looked around 2 see Baizurah @ e other bus stop. I saw e Sec 3 bespectacle boy looked at me. Why? Surprised that I'm taking a diff. path? And there's a boy with me? Haha..

Yeah..so dats it...Not much..Lazy 2 write more..Rite now, I'm listening 2 "A Beautiful Mind's" soundtrack..I just tried doin' e codebreaker...Nearly got it, man... So, @ 10 pm sharp, I'm gonna be watching it on Channel 5..

Btw, me 'terserempak' with Haziq & Ashraf with their madrasah uniform wen me & Nurul were waiting 4 Bus 3. Can't guess which madrasah they studied from...

Friday, May 20, 2005

Oh, well..2dae, I was late 4 CW.. I went 2 e field & immediately realised the other CW members had gone 2 e park behind our sch. There were only Sec 4s & 5s left with Mr Teo. And I was left alone...Well, not really..Hanis was there 2..

But after awhile, Afshah & Maria came... Ahh, not alone anymore...Great! We then decided if 2 go 2 e park or stay behind. Den, I saw Mr Malik came. Uh-oh... Our troubles has just begun.. He called out the late-comers & told us we gonna went 2 GO. AHHH!!! So we embarrassingly walked past the quadrangle where other students were having SL. But be4 dat, I saw 'Affan in the canteen.. Ouh, man... He looked @ us suspiciously.... Like he always do... Arghh...

So there we were..ended up squatting down in front of e GO, after taking e attendance.. We were there almost 1 hr! Not wanting 2 be bored, we( me, Maria & Afshah ) talked 'bout anything... From 'House Of Wax' to Maria's school back in Indon... Her story really brought us 2 laughters.. She told us that in her classroom, everyone must have had handphone. If not, they will not befriend with e person who do not owned any. Hahaha... Weird, rite?

Oh, ya! 4got 2 tell ya dat after e students have gone back 2 their classrm, a group of upper sec boys joined us. Punishment too, I guess. And shockingly, one of 'em was 'Affan!! Couldn't believe it.. But, later, I got 2 noe why. Got sumting 2 do with NCC... Another 1 of 'e boys happened 2 be Afshah's ex. Hehe..

They later went inside... Den went out 'cept 4 'Affan... Minutes later, he came out with blank A4 papers. Maybe they were supposed 2 write lines or gave a reasons, I dunno... But what I noe was dat we, e CW members were allowed to leave first... I mean, after our punishment was already over...

On e way 2 Physic Lab, Afshah told me dat she would do e talkings... So I just shut my mouth up wen Mr Lim questioned us. She didn't answered straightforwardly... Just told him we got punished...But he insisted 2 noe why, so she got no choice but 2 said we're late 4 CW and were @ GO...

Btw, 2dae's Nurmani's Bdae...

Wednesday, May 18, 2005
FAILED ; 9:27 pm

I failed MATHS...Obviously.. No hope...

I failed HISTORY... What a surprise...

I failed SOCIAL STUDIES...Worst mark I received...

I failed CHEMISTRY...Just by 1 mark..


I passed ENGLISH... The most important subject of all...

These were the papers I received today...
Tomorrow, POA, Physic & Art..
Next week, Malay...


Tuesday, May 17, 2005
IT WAS OKAY... ; 12:59 pm

Hey, e paper was actually an easy-peasy one! I could finish it in 15 minutes but no, I wasted my time... Tell me, if you finish @ 8.00 am, wat will u do for the next 45 minutes? Sleep? Dream on.. Not allowed.. Darren did that and Mr Ridzuan woke him up. Natasha, on the other hand, dunno wat she did, got warnings from him... I am not sure wat she did.. Btw, Tarmizi did the paper only in 10 minutes. Do so fast for what, man?

9.15 am. Me, Rabia, Zizah, Hanis, Lina, Mirah & Mizi went to Music Room. Some of us were already there. ML Tutors started 1st so Tarmizi did the talkings.. At 10.00 am, MY turn... Oouh, man... I hate it. The 'audience/students' cheered me.. Yeah, thx guys. Firstly, I taught 'em e greetings in malay then weekdays.. Yup. ONLY that... Not enough but @ dat time, my mind was already blank.. What else am I suppose 2 teach? ....

Btw, my name in Chinese is 'a zhi mo'. Ahahahakz... Oh well, though I was nervous, the MOCK Lesson was fun & great especially after the Malay boys left... Suddenly, peace.. Ha-ha.. They were making noise & weren't paying attention when me & Mizi were 'teaching'.

Monday, May 16, 2005
A BAD DAY ; 8:23 pm

I am so damn lazy & tired... 2mrw got practice for tutors... Ahhhhh!!! I wish I could be absent for 2mrw... Un42nately, there's exam, POA Paper 1. Haven't revise yet. I know it's gonna be complicated..

Okae, I'll stop here.. My time is up..

Sunday, May 15, 2005
SLEEPY, LAZY, NERVOUS... ; 11:52 pm

It's already 2353 hr.. Sleepy.. But dun wan 2 sleep.. 2mrw ART Exam... Development haven't coloured yet. I dun tink I wan... Btw, I saw Ryan.. He & e Springfielder.. At e Sengkang bus stop.. I was inside bus 82.. As usual, I pretended to be looking down on my books..

Saturday, May 14, 2005
HE'S DEAD... ; 10:05 am

Sabri died in yesterday's episode.. He die 2 killed e penghulu who was evil and has ilmu hitam. They shared e same heart after Sabri drank e blood. Dats why 2 kill e penghulu, Sabri must die too. Therefore, he commint suicide. Climb a cliff and jumped down...

Friday, May 13, 2005

Ahh... After e exam, me and my gangs went 2 canteen instead of Loyang Point. Guess we dun have much time. When I scanned e area, I saw him & his friend. He happened 2 turned his head so his eyes met mine. Tarmizi then joined us though there were no seats available. Then me, Rabia, Mizi, Zizah and 'Azza went 2 buy drinks & food. And again, 'Affan turned to his right. Our eyes met. He has 6th sense, huh? Blah, blah, blah... we talked & laughed... 2nd round, Mizi went to buy another air bandung. At e same time, Rabia went 2 e other table 2 joined e other girls. Which means, there was an empty seat beside me. So, this is a chance 2 see 'Affan clearly. Same goes 2 him. He also went 2 other table 2 joined his friends and took a seat across me. Yeah!!

Den, it's time 4 us 2 go 2 e Rainforest Lab. And guess wad? Amirah cried @ one time because the guys in our group didn't do what they're supposed 2. I know how she feels. Dats why I don't dare taking up the leader position in e 1st place. Damn stress, man.. Me & Mizi went 2 do e worksheet but I did almost 3/4 of it. He, on e other hand, went 2 find pictures in e internet but 2 no avail. The computers in e lab are all damn spoilt. All protected by e adminstration. Wat e heck.. Dats why we were all stressed... Do already but cannot save.. e new diskette Amirah bought didn't help. I only saved 2 documents in it and is already full. Stupid diskette.. Waste our money...

Back home, @ 1730hr, watched 'Kisah Adinda'.. I liked this episode.. Doni is so damn cute! Adinda was in trouble after she was accused of something and Doni went 2 e rescue... Aww.. Hahakz..

By e way, more gd things are coming up. Gonna be watching 'Kafir' & 'Cold Case' 2nite.

Thursday, May 12, 2005
I MISS HIM.. ; 4:28 pm

I miss him. Yeah... When can I see him again? We live in e same estate, take e same bus yet it still difficult 2 see him.. *sigh*

Tuesday, May 03, 2005

We did Class CIP discussion again during LS. Not much were being done. Or edited. In fact, none. Why's dat so? Cuz the diskette we used 2 save our stuffs was spoilt. Well, dats my suggestion. Fed-up ah.. Btw, me, Zizah & 'Azza teased Mira 'bout Luqman.. Ahahahakz...

Niwae, at e bus stop waiting fer bus 3, got disturbed by e guys. Yeah, especially Luqman.. He's being cheeky, man.. He invited me 2 joined him & Nizam going home.. Wat e heck. Den, Saiful told me dat Luqman wanted 2 study with me.. Yeah..

bold italics and underline
