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Friday, July 29, 2005
FOUND YA! ; 6:58 pm

I just found his friendster's profile..
I know a bit more 'bout him..
And e gd news is?
I'm liking him MORE.

SPORTS DAY ; 6:17 pm

Sports Day
28 JULY '05, 1-5PM
I was late. Worst still, I took e long path to e Tamp. Stadium. I thot e entrance dat was near to me closed so I followed dis GV gurl and boy I really regretted following her. Once I reached e stadium & found my class, I sat beside Warm. I found my gangs had arrived be4 me & they were seated 3 or 4 seats away from mine. But who cares? Cos later Amirah joined me, saying she pitied me seating alone. Hahakz.. Wat a gd fren she is..

Btw, me & Amirah wanted to listen to Amalina's MP3 but e prob is we dunno how to 'on' it & den use it. So we asked fer the malay boys who seated behind us. The funny thing was, they were able to 'on' e thing but couldn't get 2 e radio FM. Irritating ah dat thing.. Finally, after so long, Amirah was able to tune it to WKRZ 91.3 FM.

She later joined e rest so I shared e MP3 with Isabelle. At one time, while listening 2 e songs plaed by e DJ, Isabelle talked 'bout Madagascar & started to sing e song. It was fine until she sang dis part, 'You like to....MOVE IT!". She was like yelling e words, 'Move it' and I immediately covered my ears and turned away frm her. At dat time I was drinking and luckily I didn't spilled e water. She really shocked me to death! Behind me, I heard Muhaimin, Syamim, Saiful & Nizam laughed like hell! Hanis too. So did I. They saw wat happened and couldn't take it. It was sth 'bout Isabelle's xpression wen she sang e 'move it' part. She looked funny, I heard. I didn't looked at her face so I didn't noe how her xpression looked like... The boys later surrounded her & observed her wen she was singing. Hehe.. Boi, they were making fun of her!


Upper Secondary Entrepreneur Fair

Lessons ended at 10.25am but becos my class isn't involved in e fair, we sat in our classrm, chatting. The reason why we 3e4 isn't participating in e fair is beocs our chairman who has no initiative, didn't take e form aka license to set up a stall to sell stuffs. Wat, man...

So, wen at 10.55am, we went downstairs to e quad. 1st ting I saw was 4e2's stall which was located in e atrium. 2 tell ya e truth, year after year, dis fair seems 2 be less xciting. I think i noe e reason. But I'm not gonna write it down here.

After sch, me, Tarmizi & Farah went 2 Library to do e powerpoint slide. Den I rmbred dat last wk at 2.05pm, I took Bus 3 & e next stop, he & and his pals boarded after performed Friday prayers. I thot of goin' home at dat time. But... Becos I'm doin' sth more important, I stayed back until 2.05pm and then went 2 LP 2gether w/ Farah to buy diskette.

Tuesday, July 26, 2005

I missed e bus...again. The reward? I got to see him fer e 2nd time. Haha.. Guess he's taking the 6.40 bus, huh? Then I won't get to see him unless I go out late. Man..His friend who looks like Zahid took e same bus. When they were about to alight, e 2 of 'em w/ anothe Coral boi stuck in e middle of e bus wen e Zahid's lookalike stuffs got tangled on a Hai Sing girl's bag. Hahakz. And who was e one who untangled e thingy? Yup, it was him!

I was e odd one who did e Compo. planning in a mindmap form. Others just jotted down like verses. I knew I was in 'trouble' wen Mdm Rohanah announced she wanted any one who made it in mindmap form to share w/ e class. So she went around, checking our work. At dat time, Saiful turned behind and teased me wen he saw dat I had done e planning in mindmap. Fitri den joined him. I was told to share my planning and to write 'em down on e whiteboard. Man, it was embarrassing...

Monday, July 25, 2005
WAD A BAD DAE.. ; 7:49 pm

Nothing much happened. Just dat I can't sleep properly cos I was having a headache. Den finally couldn't take e pain more and went to wake my mum, asking for medical plaster. I changed my alarm clock frm 4:50 to 5:10 to 5:20 but after dat I still fell asleep till my mum woke me up. She advised me not to go for sch but I couldn't cos 2dae there's POA Test & besides, I'm holding my group's History answer dat would be shared w/ others in class 2dae. So I had no choice but to go.

Since last week, dis was e 1st time I went out late, took e 6:40 bus and alighted at 7:18 am. Another 2 minutes, the sch gate is closed. I thot of just walking fast but wen I saw dis GV boi running, I immediately ran. I dun want 2 get detention! Tho it wouldn't be my 1st. Haha..

During POA, my mind was blank. What I revised didn't come out. Wat did came out was reducing method and full year depreciation blah blah blah....

2dae's a bad dae. After Eng remedial, it was raining and I didn't bring umbrella so my clothes were all soaked up on e way 2 bus stop. I shouldn't have gone 2 sch. But wat do I care.. Being absent frm sch even for a dae feels like an alien. You dunno wat happened while you're away...

Rakinah gave me a nur irsyad's card which I had had received. 2morrow gotta bring e CD. She wants 2 borrow. And I will soon be able to see e photos she took during e concert. Cool

Sunday, July 24, 2005

I was asleep wen Nurul woke me up, with her hand holding my hp dat was ringing. That was 12:sumthing. Turned out 2 be Kak Nazrin telling me to be at MKS at 4pm. Quickly informed Marlina and we planned to go 2gether.

But she missed the bus and we ended up seeing each other after me praying Asar. At 5:sumting, e two us with another 2 volunteers plus e adults involved in e forum left MKS to reach our destination, Hong Kah North CC.

There, we found ourselves there were also other volunteers frm other place (can't tell as 2 protect their identities, LOL). I tried 2 be frenly w/ 'em by asking where they come frm and I mean the sch. But e reply was confusing. I asked her and she asked her fren. Dumb. From their clothes, I could tell they actually didn't wear tudung. Only on dat day. Man, they bugged me and Marlina.

Aniwae, I did made a fren frm another volunteer named Amirah frm Woodgrove Sec. And she's in Sec 2 btw. Well, we were ushering ppl wen she asked me for e name. Like usual, Marl would stand across me. Besides me and her, were e Girls In Black (e Minahs). They then gave their flyers to us, adding our flyers heavier. Aarghh.. I think they purposely gave 'em t us cos later I saw 'em doin' nothing just creating noise, to get attention. (Oh my, I'm so bad.)

Btw, there were so many cute guys coming to the forum. So, so, so, so many of 'em! Haha.. I like this particular guy in green t-shirt and he & his fren came early. So cute, man. They both sat e very front row.

Speakin of which, wen we 1st came to e place, there we no familiar faces of e MKS vlounteers dat I recognised. Yusni wasn't there. Neither e madrasah gurls. 'Cept for Huda. Dats what disappointed me. No familiar faces.. Aww...

Friday, July 22, 2005
SO MUCH TO DO ; 11:50 pm

Dunno why I was somehow in a bad mood wen goin' out with my family to Bali Thai at TM just now. I was rude to my mum so I decided to go her room to apologise. I still feel bad 'bout it tho. About dat and also the fact dat I lost her brochure I used just hours ago.

Btw, I saw Jerome still in GV uniform standind outside TM. And also a GV girl on the way back home.


After meeting Mdm Marini, me, Azizah & 'Azza went to LP to buy another scrap book fer our project. Once inside the mall, we saw our classmates, e malays boys. They greeted us, 'Hi kawan-kawan!'. I just broke into laughter.

After I bought Lemon Tea, I went to meet 'Azza & Azizah at MacDonalds. Later, while chatting, Saiful and Fayyadh came in. Followed by the others. Well, obviously they didn't go to the mosque to perform Friday prayers. Lazy bunch of ppl, man.

At about 2.05pm, we left the place. So damn boring sitting there chatting for like almost 1hr. Futhermore, it was cold.

And now, guess wad? My prediction was correct. The next stop the bus arrived was full of malay boys from Coral. And....the 1st person I saw was him! He was throwing a can in2 a bin. He took the bus but the bad news is, he alighted be4 me and didn't noe I was inside the bus for he was standing in front while me, sitting at the very last row w/ his school mates. Man...

Thursday, July 21, 2005
HORROR....HOUSE ; 10:07 pm

Boo! As you know, dis wk is English Week and the theme is HORROR. So the EL Drama Club is making a Horror House.

So after maths remedial which ended at about 2.20pm, I stayed back 2gether w/ Farah, Hanis, Isabelle and Tarmizi. The queue for the Horror House was so damn long dat we decided to eat 1st. But even after dat, the queue still looked e same so we went to one of the Sec 2s class to have a chat while Hanis went to queue up.

2 cut short the story, we eventually got in to the house located at the Heritage Rm. We could already hear screams frm e students inside wen we're outside, waiting. Btw, Marjorie joined us. Once inside, we were in total darkness. The only light there was were some blue 'light sabers' lying on the floor to guide us the hidden path. It was like a maze. Tarmizi was 1st followed by me then the rest and we were greeted by spooky atmosphere.

While walking slowly w/ heart pounding, we were spooked by sudden 'ghosts' dat suddenly came out of nowhere and scream at us. We screamed back! And jumped in horror! Cool, rite? After the 1st shocking, I had to lead e group cos Tarmizi & e rest were still screaming and by den I had stopped scream. Twice I was separated by the group cos they were all afraid to walk pass the 'Samara' ghost dat stood in e middle of e path. When I walked passed it, there was nothing. But wen the popular boi try walking passed, e ghost lurched 4ward to him & e others. Haha.. Great, man. Whilst waiting 'em, my legs were being 'touched' by other ghosts who were under e tables.

Thru all dis spooky journey, I could not recognised who's who. Which ghost was Naqia, Nurmani, Rabia, Nat, Maria, Iman & Faz. Overall it was fun. But one thing dat disappointed me was dat it happened so fast!

Btw, during recess, Naqia & I heard an anouncement 'bout e Horror House. The anouncer sounded like Iman. But we were told later dat no EL Drama members did e anouncement. Well, not yet. So who was e one made e anouncement? Or was it just my imagination?

Wednesday, July 20, 2005
GONNA BE BUSY ; 5:11 pm

For e 1st time ever, I managed 2 pay full attention during Chemistry. But not POA. DAMN ah! Next Mondae is POA Test and I dun understand a single thing he taught. What the hell... This topic is complicated and luckily I'm not the only one in trouble.

Btw, I found myself being occupied during e wkends.

So I dun tink I will be able 2 go madrasah on Sunday as I will have no time to be in Marine Parade frm Bukit Batok. It will be a long journey.

Monday, July 18, 2005
I NEED DETAILS ; 9:09 pm

2dae, Mr Lim & Ms Tay absent so which means... free period!! Yahoo.. Time fer me to copy down Tarmizi's POA hw. Hehehe.. And he copied my history hw. We trade.

Btw, I called Kak Nazrin and she told me the details about what 2 wear, where's the location of e forum etc. The volunteers have to wear sth black & the forum will be held at Hong Kah CC at Bukit Gombak. I told my mum 'bout dis. The whole thing ended at 11pm. We won't have time 2 reach home by 12mn when there will be no bus service. Close. So I'll be sleeping at Cik Dah's house instead till the next day.Gd news! On Talentnite, out of 4 category, 3 were won by my classmate, 3e4!! All rite!

I gotta tell ya dat I'm proud of 'em. The other category, Solo (Singing) whom none 3e4ians took part is won by Atikah (Sec 3 NA). Hmm..all winners are Sec 3, huh?

Saturday, July 16, 2005

Talentnite will be starting soon. In about 2 hrs. Yesterdae, those of my frens whu are goin' 2 e show planned 2 meet at WS at 1445hr. As 4 me, I'm not goin'. It doesn't interest me. Well, my classmates, Rabia, Tarmizi, Fitri & Natasha are performing amd I wish 'em gd luck! The place will be so crowded, I bet. As all tickets were sold out. 200 tickets, 2 be exact.

Hmm... Wonder who'll win..

Wednesday, July 13, 2005
.... ; 9:36 pm

During Physic Remedial, Tarmizi & Naqia fought over on who will sit beside me. Hehe.. Funny seh. Azizah & 'Azza smiled at me cos they noe I'm popular. Yeah, rite. Dream on, Zimah.. Hahaha.. Okae, ended up, I sat w/ Naqia and we changed seat to e front. Tarmizi sat w/ Hanis. Hahaha..

Btw, e malay boys 'cabut'. Azizah & 'Azza too. They couldn't finished up e assignment so they quietly walked out of e lab.

At 1949 hr, I received a call frm Kak Nazrin. She wanted 2 noe if we could help out on 23rd July at 7-11pm. There's a forum. I bet we have to usher e ppl. No doubt, man.

Monday, July 11, 2005
BOYS.. ; 8:21 pm

He was in e same bus as me 2dae wen goin' 2 school. Hehe.. I'm so happy. I only caught a glimpse of him tho. I was standing and he was sitting, listening to songs w/ eyes closed. Den wen we reached e bus stop he supposed 2 alight, he stood up, said 'xcuse me' in a firm yet clear voice to the JC boi beside me. He den passed me. We almost touched each other. Well, actually we did. Haha..

Btw, e bus didn't stop at Faz's place so she was very late for CW. Poor thing, man. She told me later she took e bus after mine. The one at 6.55 am.

Once I stepped in2 my sch., I went straight 4 e toilet 2 change clothes. As I was walking, I saw dis familiar figure at one of e benches. Yup, it was him. With Cashvin & a girl. I got a feeling dat he told his friends 'bout me cuz wen Cash saw me, Af too turned to look at me. Cash probably told him of my presence.. Hmm..maybe..

Sunday, July 10, 2005
WAD A GD DAY I HAD! ; 8:50 pm

2dae at almost to 1 pm, I went to CP 2 buy e book. Den went home, quickly did sum of e pages. After dat, went to do Compre.. Till now I've done all hw 'cept eng. compre summary part. Hmm..seems like I'm beginning to be a hardworking girl, eh?

Speaking of which, I managed 2 finish up my maths hw consisted of 12 easy peasy & tricky trigo qns on e very same day which was yesterday. I did 'em in e morning till 10pm. They were supposed 2 be handed in on Tuesday. Btw, yesterday there was my fav film, Robocop at 1-3pm so it helped 2 entertain me whilst doin' e hw.

And yesterday too, my dad's expensive shoes was stolen. I didn't noe dat my neighbours too are experiencing e same thing. Uh-oh. Dis means there's a thief in Punggol 21!

Rite now I'm so full after eating Canadian Pizza. Yup, we ordered. Buy 1 Get 1 Free!! Woohoo.. I Chesse Turkey Pizza and 1 BBQ dunno-wats-e-name Pizza.

Saturday, July 09, 2005
TIRED ; 7:29 am

Yesterdae was a tiring dae. After CW, it's PE and we learn 2 play soccer. All rite!! Dis time, I practiced well unlike last year. Last year got scolded by him 4 kicking e ball softly. Now, I'm back! We, I mean me & my group members, took 24 seconds 2 pass e ball 2 each other. The fastest was 18 seconds. Hmm...I wonder which team was dat.Aniwae, after practicing, we got 2 play soccer w/o a goalkeeper. My team was thrashed 0-3! Oh well, dats okae..

After sch, I accompanied Amirah 2 LP. We went there by Mdm Marini's car. Sort of a van. She offered 2 sent us both 2 e bus stop near LP. Amirah went 2 Mac while I went 2 buy e ice pack & 6 bottles of drink. Later, I became confused sumhow & as if on cue, Amirah came. 2gether w/ Azza & Azizah! Boi, am I glad dat they finally came 2 help me chose e drinks.

Our 'students' came be4 2pm. They came cos Mdm Marini punished 'em. And 4 dat, they had 2 attend our CIP. Gd idea, man. There were about 6 of 'em. The chinese class, however, had only 2 students. Tarmizi den came frm e mosque..in a bad mood and started 2 scold e rowdy Sec 1 kids. e other Malay boys eventually came @ 2.05pm. But dat was not dat. We couldn't start e lesson until 2.30pm 4 we didn't have a laptop & cable & stuffs.

Wat a disappointing.. We, 3e4ians had failed..

Tuesday, July 05, 2005
OUH.. ; 8:13 pm

Ouch, my back hurts.. 2dae I dun feel like goin 2 sch, man. I felt sick. But what 2 do, there's REP Passage Test and I have 2 go.
The 3rd last period was English. We discussed about e IRP. Man, we chose Chinese Cinderella 4 e per4mance. I found myself wanting e narrator position. Badly. Hehe.. I dunno why. Mdm Rohanah thot I was in Drama Club. And she wanted me 2 play e role as e Adeline's aunt. I buried my face wen I heard my name being called. However, it wasn't me. It was Rabia.
2mrw, at 2.30pm, the whole classmates of mine will stay back 4 audition. And yeah, I will audition 4 e narrator position..

After sch, I stayed back cuz gotta go 2 Art Museum w/ e other art students frm 3E5 & 4NC. And us, e 3E4ians had 2 share e bus w/ 4NC while 3E5 have a bus all 2 'emselves. Not fair seh. Sum of e 3E4ians had 2 even take e 3E5's bus. And poor Azza. She sat at e behind seat, surrounded by all 4NC students while e 3E4ians were in front. She got disturbed, man.. Ha-ha..

Btw, we have all agreed 2 have a jersey-like texture as our class tee-shirt. The collar will be red. Just like Liverpool! Muahahaha...

Oh ya! On e way home, I met Ismaliah. I made e 1st move, man. Haha.. It's e 1st time we talked 2 each other. I dun tink we ever talked during e primary sch. old days.

Monday, July 04, 2005
POP ; 2:56 pm

I came back home 1 hr ago from CP. And guess who I saw at e POP? It's Ruzaini aka e drama boi! Gd-looking too. Haha.. So long never see him since he already left GV. He was alone, I think. He managed 2 see me tho. I could sensed him looking up at me while I was checking my hp. It was rude of me not 2 say 'hi'. *sigh* I regret on my behaviour. I was being unfrenly. Aarghh...

Now, I'm so at lost. I've already went WS & CP 2 find e bk but 2 no avail. By hook or by crook, I must rmbr 2 buy it during recess 2mrw.

Sunday, July 03, 2005
clOGa TO THE RESCUE!! ; 11:14 pm

And so I went 2 madrasah. Nothing wrong w/ dat. Last period, there's a practical reading Al-Quran. I was so not prepared. But I found out we had 2 read those 6-8th line of Al-Baqarah. That was wen I felt relief. Cos I hafal those lines be4. So I did well. Ustaz den asked whether I have outside class 'mengaji' & I said no. That was rite & wrong. I have stopped mengaji but will continue soon.

Be4 dis period, we got Sirah. There was once wen Ustaz asked a question and e whole lot of us didn't noe or couldn't rmbred at all e answer & he started 2 lecture us again. 42nately I got e courage 2 tell him my answer, man. And it was rite..

Saturday, July 02, 2005
NUS ; 1:04 pm

The NUS students came wen I was bathing.. They'll be coming back at around dis hour and at 6pm. They have 2 do e project thrice. Fuhh.. Maybe if I get 2 University, there'll be chance I'm goin' 2 do like wat they're doin' huh?

I thot of goin' 2 CP at between 10-11 am but becos I woke up late, I have 2 go out at noon. It depends on my laziness whether I want 2 go or not. Like it or not, I have to. It's important.

Friday, July 01, 2005
MY FAULT ; 8:10 pm

Yippie! I managed 2 reach sch just in time 4 CW. Btw, in bus, there's e Coral Guy again.. in NCC uniform. First thot in my mind was dat my NCC schmates will also be wearing NCC uniform. Totally rite. It's NCC & SJAB Day 2dae.

During POA Lesson, wen Mr Teo asked who didn't noe how 2 do e hw, all of us raised our hands. Yup, even Tarmizi aka POA expert. But he did got most ans. rite wen we go thru e paper. I wish I could be like him.

Den wen having Eng, we were goin' thru e REP Passage. The malay boys called me 2 ask whether I have read it. And I said no. I wonder if I put on a worried face or what becos Muhaimin den repeatedly said, "It's ok. It's ok." Yeah I noe it's ok. The test is on Tuesday and I still have time 2 read it.

Guess wad? It's all my fault dat Amalina was late 4 AC. I told her 2 wait 4 me, man. Arghh. I told her dat next time, I won't be asking her 2 wait 4 me but she said it's ok. She won't care 'bout being late. Btw, we got 3 new members. And again, it's my fault 2 recommend 'em 3 2 AC. Azza & Azizah have dis habit of making others feelings hurt. Rakinah, she's ok. She didn't mind other business. Wen finally Khairiah & her gang came, e two AzS looked at me & smile. Oh, man. It's a long story 2 tell ya why they hate Khairiah..

bold italics and underline
