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Sunday, September 25, 2005

I didn't go to madrasah. Again. Arghh.. I hate it, man.. I woke up and realise the weather's so bright. Obviously, the time's already after 7am. Damn! I smsed Baizurah and tell her I won't be coming to mad. again and explained her the reasons. Then I asked her to tell me where they stopped at each lesson so as to be able to catch up with them and know what's happening.

As of 2dae, 2 ppl wished me, 'HAPPY BIRTHDAY' in advance, namely Baizurah and Nurmani. 2mrw, I'm not sure what's gonna happen.. Nurmani told me to be free after school.. Gee, sounds suspicious, man.. Last wk Tarmizi already told me to bring xtra shirt to school..They're gonna sabo me with waterbomb. Yeah, rite.. He's kidding!

Btw, yesterday I received an online birthday card from the Punggol Cove Youth Club. I didn't expect to get a card from them.. Haha...

Friday, September 23, 2005
SO-SO DAY ; 2:38 pm

Gee, 2dae during PE, me and other 16 of my classmates played CaptainBall. The rest went to play either soccer or basketball. And it was so bloody fun! Haha. Azizah always kicked the ball instead of throwing and there's other funny incidents too...

And btw, Mr Teo was absent so we didn't have POA Lesson! Hooray! Be4 that, we had math. It was a test, Paper 2. It was easy so I hope I could pass the paper. However, they're kind of tricky. I mean, when Tarmizi & Naqia checked the answers given at the last page, they got most qns wrong. I hope I don't get what they got. The very last qn, which was Qn 7(part b), it was a 5 mark so I tried to get the answer right. I even did a primary school method, drawing model. But still, I ended having it wrong. Bummer..

English period... The whole 3e4ians were scolded about our filthy classroom. Actually 2dae was my duty but sumhow Azizah had to see Mdm Rohanah. Gee, I was safe. And we were supposed to write a compo about 'A Day Your Class Was Scolded Due To Irresponsible Pupils'.

GD NEWS- Becos our school received the SUSTAINED ACHIEVEMENTS AWARD, next Wednesday will be a half-day for all Greenviewians. Cool, huh?

Thursday, September 22, 2005
GREAT DAY ; 10:44 pm

Today, rite after Maths remedial, I went home 2gether with Naqia, Farah & Isabelle. Once, I reached home, something suprising awaits me. Mom told me that I could have Nokia 6610i that she bought. That was actually supposed to be for Dad's but since he didn't want it due to some logical reasons, I could have it. Well, yeah, so now its mine. My 3120 hp model is now my mom's and that Dad's was the one that he bought few days be4.

That was one of the gd news. Mom told me she bought a Banquet Chicken Rice, and my 2 favourites, Rotiboy and Old Change Kee's Shrimp Stick! Yay!

Wednesday, September 21, 2005
BAD DAY ; 5:23 pm

I hate myself. I'm so stupid. Today, I 4got 2 bring my file where I keep all kinds of wkshts and damn, I was in trouble. I was really in a bad mood. But only be4 recess. Well, actually I kept my SS Mindmaps [hw] inside the file. And last wk, Ms Tay reminded us that if we didn't hand it the 2 mindmaps, we won't get to sit down fer the tests. And that's what I thought would happened to me. But no, it never did. Lucky.

Monday, September 19, 2005

When the bell rang, meaning it's the end of school, me nad some others stayed back in class to finish up our assignments. I had to finish my report by 2.10pm as I had to go to the foyer to meet the other AC members who were also going for the xcursion. Lucky for me, Azizah & Azza had to also stayed back to finish their reports. I didn't meet Amalina at the canteen tho. No time. But she later went to my class when I was about to leave.

I realised that not only Art Club members going for the Lasalle but Photo Video & AVA Club members too! Aarghh.. Rite, so once we reached the school, we were given a souveniors, a Lasalle sling bag, badge and 2 pamphlets. Cool. First thing we went were a room where there were students doing animation. They were doing the recording. Next, we watched this group of students rehearsing their singing and 1 of 'em happens to be an actor! The guy who acted in one epsiode of Restless. It was so good. He's friendly. Rite. So then we explore other things, we attend a lecture. Ha-ha. Then, there's a brief. Passion, determination and talent are the key characteristics we need in joining Lasalle. Too bad I don't have a talent. Nevermind. Last thing we went was this place where 3 students were working on a performance. 2 guys were doing designs on the costumes while a girl was typing the script on the computer. Damn cool.

Everything happened so fast. And I found myself that we're going home soon. Aww, man...

Friday, September 16, 2005

Hmm, let's see. 2dae during PE, we had to jog outside school. The weather has just stopped raining so that's why Mr Bay wanted us to jog. Aargh.. However, halfway to the school, it began drizzling. And then rain came down. Man, our shirt soaked. Btw, I jogged 2gether with Isabelle. Yuck, man. The rain caused me some difficulties to see the view in front as it wet my specs.

Finally after reaching the school, I only saw the malay boys & Desiree. Obviously they had reached the place 1st. Then, me & Isabelle went 2 e toilet where we met Farah. Her hair was flat. So the other girls when they finally reached. Hehe.. Funny seh..

In class, all of us looked like we just finished bathing. All hair wet. Cool. And this was the 1st time in secondary sch I untied my hair. Gee...

Wednesday, September 14, 2005
CSI MIAMI ; 8:13 pm

Yo, wassup? Yesterday was the season finale of CSI. And I thought my life would be a boring one without any interesting dramas to watch. But I was damn wrong. Cos later the advertisement shows the next week drama that will be aired. And I was so shocked! I wasn't expecting Channel 5 to air it. It's CSI Miami, man! My favourite! I've watched this be4 watching CSI. All rite! I can watch Adam again! Woohoo..

Monday, September 12, 2005
WELCOME BACK! ; 8:15 pm

School days are back! Yay! Hehe.. But now, no more laziness.. Final Year Examination is just around the corner, man. Erm, another 3 weeks more, eh?

And ya know sth surprising happened? I didn't noticed it until Tarmizi said it. After Physic lesson ended, he asked me, 'That girl is Aimillie, right?' whilst pointing his finger towards the front row. Sure enough, there was a girl seated beside Darren. So she's back from USA? Why now? It's too late. She only had 3 weeks to catch up, man! Is she ok? Heard from Naqia that she returned to S'pore cos she didn't like to be in USA. Yea. Sth like that. Bummer. What a late decision. And ya know what? Mr Teo said in front of the class, with a confident voice, "I can said that you will never pass!" when Aimillie asked him, "So you're saying I cannot pass?". Man, we all broke into laughter at Mr Teo's reaction. He was so damn confident. Haha. What can I say. He's an xperienced teacher. Erm, yeah?

During Malay class, me & Muhaimin anyhow did the workbk. I thot I knew how to do it. Step pandai je. Haha.. He copied mine and serves us rite, man.
Okae, then during recess, as usual, I took the spiral staircase and then looked around the study area. I was searching for this Sec 4NC boi whom we always stared at. Ha. I only saw chinese boys so I thought he wasn't there. But how wrong was I. I then looked the person who was seated in between 'em and there he was, staring at me! Gee, scary man! He looked so firm.

Well, you know that I had my hair cut, aite? So 2dae many peeps were like, 'You cut your hair!'. Amirah took the same bus and when our eyes met, we laughed. We're crazy. Haha. And when she walked past me, she just said, 'Potong rambut, nampak!'. Later in class, she asked why I cut my hair. My previous hair was much more prettier. Hehe.. Gee, I 'm just tired of having long hair. That's all. And yeah, Naqia & Farah commented that my hair looked straight. Hee.. Didn't know that. And, oh, btw, I saw Diq.

Sunday, September 11, 2005
I'VE NOT DONE MY HW YET. ; 4:23 pm

So, 2mrw is a school day, huh? Great. Yea. Hey, I did mean it. I love school. But I have not done the homeworks yet. What can I say? I'm a last-minute person and there's no doubt about it. Aarghh.. When will I change..

Hmm, let's see.. 2dae, I went 4 madrasah. Like usual.. My friends all said today was boring. To me, it's like any normal day. To be honest, it wasn't that boring. And, oh btw, Ustaz Ghazali was being xtra happy. He smile & joked alot. Don't know what's got into him... About my classmates, so few came... Only 13...

Saturday, September 10, 2005
I WANNA WATCH IT ; 5:13 pm

Wanna noe sth? Yesterdae, I can't sleep. Cos I kept thinking about STOMP. The cool, musical show that will perform in S'pore from 27 Sep- 2 Oct. *sigh*
Wouldn't it be great to come and watch the show?
I would love to but the minimum cost of the ticket is $5o. And gosh! Isn't that expensive?
Oh well, I'll just have to drop the idea of watching it live..

I NEED HELP ; 4:49 pm

All rite. That's it. I knew there's sth wrong w/ my blog. Or is it my computer? I knew e comments are all damn nonsensical.. Virus, I think. Any1 knows how to avoid it? Avoid those boring, irritating comments that were posted in my recently entries? Any1? Pls?

Friday, September 09, 2005
HEY, HEY, HEY.. ; 9:17 pm

I just got my hair cut. Shoulder length. Layered. I never had this hair cut in secondary school life. Hope when school reopens, my friends won't be surprised to see the new me. Hee..

Oh ya! Ya noe sth? I saw Yus inside Bus 31 at the bus stop where me, my mom & siblings waited fer either bus 21 or 65. I saw him when Nadz was about to board the bus 39 which was behind it. Well, I THINK that WAS Yus. Cos the boi has e same attractive features as his. Hehe..
*sigh* Like I said be4, I went to have my hair cut and the place was at Bedok. Yeah. The one near Bedok West. And the one near Blk 707. My former house. Ha.. Well, I took Bus 228 to my uncle's house and inside that bus, I saw Shafiq, the 6/3 prefect boi.. Still looks e same..

Wednesday, September 07, 2005
MY INVIGILATOR WAS ......DAMN! ; 11:34 am

Yeah. So today, I had eng. oral. Damn! I was prepared at 1st but not when I found out who my invigilator was. Who do you think? Well, it's Mr Bay. Yeah. That nonsensical PE teacher of mine. Supposed to be Ms Saadon but I don't know why Juhana/Juhanis told me to go for Mr Bay. Ended up Nurmani got her fav. teacher.. What a luck, man..

Everything was okay for the reading but not the picture discussion & conversation. I stammered and repeated e same things again & again... Wah lau.. How to pass, man? Well, ya know what? I just realised that when it was my turn, e passage was different. Be4 me was Nizam and he was supposed to be taking the same passage as other 3e4ians. I saw him practiced e same passage during e 8mins given. But when I came to Mr Bay, e passage that was lying on e table was different. So I guess Nizam didn't told Mr Bay to change it, huh? And so he read e obviously diff. passage & describe e diff. pic. w/o being prepared? Bummer..

Monday, September 05, 2005

Yea. I had Physic remedial at 9-10am. Met Fazlina otw to sch. I don't know whether the paper we did inside e Bio Lab is counted in our report book.

When doin', Mrs Yeoh announced tt we're nt gonna be having Chem remedial cos she had 2 rush home. Her daughter had high fever.. So which mean after Phy rem., can go home straight away. Aarghh.. Wasted, man.. Waste e bus fare for only an hour rem..

I was e last person to finish up e paper.. Thot every1 has left me. But luckily, Naqia, Isabelle & Farah waited outside.. Speaking of which, was it me or was it really my friends being xtra nice to me? Hehe.. Mayb I was sick tt they helped me.. Yea, watever. But still, I appreciate 'em.. Thankies to 'em..

Till then..
PS- Yesterday, when I came back frm e camp, Mom told me a gd news. Starhub called to say that my hp no. was chosen for what-i-dunno. So instead of paying $22 as usual, I've only to pay $17. For a YEAR! Hooray!!

Sunday, September 04, 2005
YOUTH CAMP [HUDA] 2005 ; 5:05 pm

Reached 3MKS at 7.35pm. Saw many teenagers crowded at the register counter. Took a quick look at 'em. And I don't see any familiar faces. But then I saw Shahmi in baju kurung. And later when I was to take my wudhu' then I saw some girls I knew..

After performing my Maghrib prayer, I went to e register counter, after deciding not gonna wait for Baizurah after knowing she still was at home. 1st thing Ustzh Latifah asked me was 'Azimah sakit eh?'. Wonder how she knew that even be4 I spoke.

..........Blah blah blah........
Found ourselves discussing 'bout e common issues. The ones 'bout SKA, 369, SKINHEAD, etc..
My group, Grp 3, we took GOTHIC and then shared what we know bout this Gothic ppl.. I don't really know much.. I know HIP HOP! Haha.. My fav. Got influenced after watching YOU GOT SERVED. Oh, and be4 dat we had a barbecue. But it didn't feel like one. We only got to eat. No helping ourselves barbecueing.. Hmprh...

..........Blah blah blah........
We had to move to the conference rm. And otw there, I saw Yus outside e Office with some other guys in white. He's e only one in black. Ahh.. It's been long time since I last saw him which was on 3rd April.. Wondering if he still rmbr me & my friends?

Btw, we slept at 12:30am.. Slept on the floor of the auditorium..
My hp rang thrice between 4am-4.21am.. Yeah, I put an alarm to it to wake me up. So embarrassed, man..
We woke up at around 4.30am & getting ready to perform Solat Tahajjud 'berjemaah' together with the boys. Then, we changed to the green shirt given, had a breakfast, debrief and aboard the bus which sent us to the Changi Jetty where we would be taking the bumboat to Pulau Ubin.

The Dots & Spots Game began. My team was the 1st one to go. On the way finding the clues we were greeted by dogs. Man, we were so scared. Once when we tried to go left, the dog blocked us by going to his right. Ahh... What an experience.. When we were on the way trying to look out for the 3rd clue, we almost took the wrong path. Luckily, Ustaz Taufiq was there to told us that we were on the wrong path. Come to think of it, I was still confused on how we're on the wrong path.

We finally found the last clue and were instructed by Ustaz Azmi to stay where we were to wait for the other teams to arrive. Later, we were briefed by the mudir and we had to do sth on a mahjong paper and later one of us would present it to the others and in my group, it was me. Speaking of which, e last nite, I also presented my group. Well, for MKS, I was all ready to present but if it were to be in school, I would refused. Hehe.. And guess what? When the result came, my group, Al-Bazaari' won! For the boys team, it was 'Wash' [dunno if e spelling were right]. Man, we're so ecstatic!

...............Time to go home........
*sigh* Gonna miss e camp.. On e way back to Punggol, I was asked by 2 curios women about the camp. Yeah.

Friday, September 02, 2005

Today's PE was cool! Ya wanna noe why? My class combined with two other classes, 3TD and 1TC. When I came to the field, I was immediately greeted by this damn huge ball. It's bigger than the teachers..

Here's what we're supposed to do. We're grouped into 5. Then, we will face our opponent from the other class. We're to push the huge ball to our own 'goalpost'. Yeah, same like soccer. But this time, using hands only. And our opponent will have to prevent us from scoring. Man, it was awesome. My group members were all girls namely- Nurmani, Rabia, Azizah & Azza. Our un42nate opponent was frm 1TC, Malay Girls & 1 Mat. Nurmani called 'em the Mini Minahs.. Haha.. We found out later that they were actually nice peeps.. 1 of 'em accidentally knocked Nurmani and apologised and asked whether she's ok. 2 be honest, I don't know which team won. But I think it was 'em..

Niwae, last period we received our report book back. And I had to admit I'm not satisfied with my result. Even tho I improved almost all subjects, the marks were all just barely passed. Aarghh... Overall, I failed Combined Humanities, thanks to History. Hmm, I passed my maths & chemistry, huh?

bold italics and underline
