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Tuesday, February 28, 2006
CLASS CIP ; 8:51 pm

Yessa! Finally, e DAY has come and it has ended. Phew.. Man, I'm talkin' about Class CIP. It started immediately after school but me and the rest of e Food & Beverage Committee members [FYI, I'm e leader-in-charge. yuck.] went to e atrium at e 2nd last period to prepare all e stuffs that were to be sold. Honestly, it's quite panicky and tiring. But now, it has ended. ALL RITE! Total, we earned $129.90! Dude, isn't dat a huge sum? Haha.. Lemme see.. We sold Instant Cup Noodles, Sandwich[filling: cheese, sausages & crabstick], Walnut & Oatmeal Cookies, Sweets, Lollipops, Cocktails and Rose Syrup. There were twice sum of my frens had to go Loyang Point to buy those stuffs that was out of stock, especially bread, cheese & noodles.

Speaking of which, dis Saturday is e School CIP. Hmm, ya know sth? We will be grouped and in one group of @ 3 members, 1 of 'em shud be a boi aka The Hero. The boi is to protect the girls shud there be sth happened. Reason is, we didn't know which occupants of e flats we're goin' 2 are e elderly. It could be foreign workers [yea, we're told there were some] so dats e reason e boy will be The Hero for dat 1 day. To protect the girls from harm. Haha.. Funny man 2 think about it. So, the question is, 'Who Will Be My Hero?' Hahahahaha..

Wednesday, February 22, 2006
; 8:52 pm

Bummer. I didn't know dis morning Liverpool was playing e Champions League match against Benfica. And man, wat a surprise wen I read e front page of e newspaper, 'Favourites Liverpool flop in Portugal...'. Dude.. Kinda disappointed. I should punish myself for not knowing e match was today. Damn! Wat I knew was dat today Real Madrid VS Arsenal & e result was 0-1, e 1 goal contributed by Henry in e 2nd half. I managed 2 watch only e last 10 mins of e match. Ha-ha..

Wadever happens, I still gonna LOVES LIVERPOOL FC. You'll Never Walk Alone. Ya noe wat? I think Sinama should have played on dat match. Well, did he?

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Oh, shit. I 4got dat after CSI:Miami is FA Cup Highlights. Bummer. And e worst thing is dat e first match shown was e one I wanted 2 watched- LIVERPOOL VS MAN U! Damn! I wanted 2 record dat superb match but be4 I could find my tape, it was already shown. So I dropped e idea of recording it.

TAKE NOTE: Liverpool broke e record of losing to Man U in FA Cup since in 1921, thanks to e only goal for Liverpool contributed by PETER CROUCH.


HIM, HIM, HIM ; 11:17 pm

Okae, so after school, me, Rabia, Nurmani & Naqia went to AVA Room to watch Ju-On. 4E1 held dis movie screening for the CIP. It started later @ 2.30pm. Tarmizi came around dat time. 2 be honest, e movie isn't dat scary. There's only a few moments where I covered my face from e screen. Hee..
Aniwae, guess wat? There's a couple of times wen Tarmizi scolded the audience for being noisy. Wah lau. At one point, he even stood up and yelled @ e audiences about not having manners and being rude. Esp e Sec 1s sitting behind us.

The movie ended at 4pm. As me & Tarmizi wanted 2 sent back e library books at White Sands, we suggested that all five of us went study 2gether and yeah, we did. But end up we study @ e McDonald's 2nd floor. Honestly, I was looking around for many times, just in case I saw him. We're there until 6pm. Hrmphh.. So fast, man..

Rabia & Nurmani went to take e MRT while Tarmizi & Naqia took e bus @ e Bus Interchange. So that meant I went alone. Yea. When Bus 3 came, I looked around to see if he's there but he wasn't. I boarded and took e seat behind dat was facing each other. After dat, I looked around, again. And dat was when I saw him. I quickly turned away, not wanting to face e fact that that was him. Bummer. Turned out he and his fren sat in front of me. Wah lau. I was like, nervous, man. Both hands cold. Eee, I don't like e feeling.

Sunday, February 19, 2006
HAPPY HAPPY DAY ; 10:36 pm

Today, went to Madrasah. Once I reached there, I went 2 e phone booth to meet my cousin, Amirul cos I need to pass him Iqra' book to him. After dat, I went towards my class, with Amin in front of me. We passed Ustaz Salehin, our form teacher, who looked at us strangely. Then my friends. I asked 'em how come e whole of our classmates were sitting outside e class. Marlina replied dat e class was locked. Oh..

After like 15-20mins, we're able 2 get in. Class go on as usual. I sat in e very front row, ALONE. Wadever. Blah3, it's recess time. The break ended at 11.30am and at dat time, me & my friends had juxt bought our food. So we ate & chat until e next lesson was supposed to start. We were at our eating corner for until 11.45am. Then me, Bai & Shakilah went 2 e class 1st. But none of us dared 2 get in. So we waited for e rest 2 come. However, I decided 2 call 'em so I went back and be4 I got 2 e foyer, I saw Ustaz Salehin & a group of Sec1/2 boys looking at me. Well, dat changed my mind. Feeling paiseh, I turned back, said 'busted' then headed 2 e class and waited outside. Man..

Went back home and at 5pm, I left again for English Tuition. Was at my cousin's house from 5.30pm-8pm. I improved my Reading Aloud & Conversation but not e Picture Discussion. Urghh.. Problem..

GOOD NEWS! LIVERPOOL WON against Man U after 85 years of losing to our closest rival. 1-0, thanks to PETER CROUCH! *punched a fist in2 e air after reading e article abt e match* So what if he's a flop? I dun care. I love ALL Liverpool players.

Today's the HAPPIEST DAY OF MY LIFE.. Everythingw ent smooth and I feel great all along.

Friday, February 17, 2006
... ; 11:12 pm

Today's Catalyst lesson was so much fun. We gotta find a partner of e opposite sex. Man.. Mr Ridzuan gave us three try to find a partner. In e last try, Zahir approached me and asked me to be his partner. I agreed. But be4 we could sit down, my fren asked Zahir to be her partner. I was like, okay, nevermind then I backed away. And there I was, partner-less. Haha. Ended three girls partnerless. Me, Zizah & Kiki. Lucky we didn't kena punishment like what Mr Ridzuan said for those who did't have any partner. The girls outnumbered e boys. I was to join Amanda & Zainul.

After school, I've 2 stay back for e notice board. Me & Azizah couldn't make it 2 Art Club. We borrowed e paint, brushes and stuffs from e art room 4 e board. Be4 3pm, we returned back those and I joined Art Club which ended less than 10mins later. After dat me & Sharifah went 2 4e4 to wait for e judges to come but they never did. We left e place at 4.30pm and I reached home at 5.20pm.

Btw, Tarmizi told me he saw `him at e mosque during Solat Jumaat. All rite..

Thursday, February 16, 2006
... ; 10:14 pm

Left school at 6.40pm. Reached home at 7.20pm. Stayed back with some classmates to decorate e class notice board. Tomorrow's e Competition, dude! And we did this all last-min. Same goes to e other classes on e 4th floor. 'cept 4e3. They did their notice board earlier. The ones staying back were me, Azizah, Tarmizi, Farah & Joanne. There were others but they left earlier. Our theme for this yr: Mystical, Magical & Mesmerizing. But it turned out not 2 be like dat. The layout looked like a galaxy. Man..

Aniwae, guess who I saw in e bus? Hee, yea, dude.. It's `him. I didn't know he was inside e bus until I moved behind and looked up to see e people sitting at e back. And dat was when I saw him. Immediately when I looked up, e first person I made eye contact with was `him. He quickly turned away and looked down. Wah lau. Like embarrassing, man..

As usual, Mr Lim was taking e same bus. I think I'm kinda rude. All along since e first day he took a bus from Punggol, I didn't greet him, let alone smile. Furthermore he's my Physics teacher. Today's last period was his lesson and I was to answer his question about current. Man, lucky I didn't embarrassed myself. I answered e question and was told dat was a closest answer. Very good. Phew! Jackson clapped btw. Haha..

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

So, today is Valentine's Day & Cargo & Jeans Day, huh? Well, let's see. Today I wore a black Hang Ten tee-shirt, blue jeans & my blue sport shoes. In e bus, there's me, an Upper Sec boi [Sec 3, if i'm not mistaken], the Sec 1 girl and Mr Lim. Funny, man. We all seated near 2 each other and I wanted to laugh. Dunno why.. Suddenly everything seemed funny. The boi & Mr Lim talked to each other 4 e 1st time. I heard e boi asked Mr Lim which block he lived and his answer kinda suprised me. Man, I thot he lives in Toa Payoh? Wokei, I'm not sure.

Last period, we 4e4ians discussed 'bout CIP and the Notice Board Competition. I volunteered to be e member of NoticeBoard, btw. Minutes be4 e bell rang, the class and our form teacher, Ms Cheong took a picture of us while Fayyadh frm 4e3 became e cameraman for e day. The 3rd shot e back ppl kena 'paiseh'. Cos e boys squatting in e front row quickly stood up when e countdown came to '1!', so blocking our view frm e camera.

After our classmates left, me, Amirah, Farah, Isabelle, Azizah & Tarmizi stayed behind 2 discuss e decorations for our plain notice board. At e end of e day, I think we've a chance to win e competition. Yea! After dat, I went to clean the filthy classrm. Man, so many rubbish on e floor. So dusty. I've 2 sweep, updated e whiteboard news and arranged e tables & chairs. Finally, locked e classrm and returned back e class diary. Lucky I opened my bag. If not I wouldn't realised I haven't returned e book. Then I walked aimlessly around e school, waiting patiently for e clock 2 struck at 4pm. That time it was 3.15pm so I went to library then e study area. Man, it was so boring to be alone..

When I think it's already 4pm, I went to e Study Area near to e General Office. Saw Samuel and so waited 4 rest to come. Ended up only 4 students went to Sheng Shiong Supermarket @ LoyangPoint. Me, Sam, George & Chen Jun [ who is a non-Food&Beverage commitee member ]. Were there for less than an hour, I think. Then left e place after buying rafia string for e NoticeBoard tmr.

Ahh, now here's where e BIG part comes in. `HE boarded e same bus as me! Dude! As usual, he boarded at dat common bus stop with his fren. Yeah! All rite! At last, I managed 2 see him and furthermore, dis was e 1st time on dis yr he boarded e same bus as me on the way home. And e gd thing is, it happens on Valentine's Day! Yea! My Valentine's gift. Haha..

Saturday, February 11, 2006
GCE 'O' LEVEL RESULTS ; 10:06 pm

12.20n during Catalyst lesson, we upper sec students are to be in hall. Reasons for us 2 be there- lectured about our behavior during recess assembly. Here's a summary of what happened--> We're on e quadrangle, waiting 2 be dismissed when suddenly acid rain started to pour. We were still seated, and not allowed 2 be dismissed cos of our behavior. Just when e rain started to be heavier, my class was already dismissed and we're up at e staircase, going to Odyssey Room when we witnessed e other classes dat were still at e quad, running around even without being instructed. They yelled, howling like mad, crazy ppl. And dats e reason we're being sent 2 e hall.

2pm--> Me and my friends went to e 2nd storey of e hall 2 witness e 2005 GCE 'O' Level Results. At 2.30pm, after a powerpoint slide presentation dat includes e preformances of of our 'O' Level results from 1999-2005, came the results. The first person I concentrated on was the Sec 5NB girl staying @ Punggol. After gotten her result and joined her frens back, I knew her results was bad. Her friends all tried to console her. After a few moments, she went outside with her hp. Soon after, she left e hall. Her other fren, whom I often saw, also had a bad results. I saw her crying, wiping her tears with her shirt. I really feel sorry for 'em.

Good news! My cousin, Zahid passed all subjects for e 'O' Level and he has 14points. Man, dats amazing.. Congrats, cuzzin! You've done a great job!

OVERSLEPT ; 9:50 pm

S'pose 2 be coming 2 Chinatown for tuition. Un42nately, I overslept- i woke up at 9.30am- e time I'm supposed to meet Kak Ana at Chinatown MRT Station. So, I've to cancel e tuition. Bummer. I was in a bad mood e whole day. Don't know why.

Thursday, February 09, 2006
BUSY DAY,HUH? ; 9:58 pm

What happened today? Hmm..let's see.
- I've to take the class attendence for awhile be4 Tarmizi came.
- I've to attend a short meeting at the atrium. About Cargo & Jeans Day and the Notice Board Competition. Have to collect $1 from e class and bring the class list to the councillor during recess to get the tickets.
- Caught doin' Chem's last mon hw during today's lesson.
Luck was on my side as she didn't tore up the paper.
- Did Chem Practical. [Kena tegur by Mrs Yeoh for pouring the particular solution of salt too much. She said sth sarcastic which I didn't listen but Azizah was laughing at e remarks. Hmm...]
- I'm involved in Malay Composition Competition 2006 held at MT Rm 1 at 2pm. Was suprised to see Amalina & Auni [art club members] to be one of my rivals. Haha.
- Supported Amirah, Rabia & Tarmizi in CL&ML Karoake Competition at Odyssey Rm. Was there till 5.30pm.
Then went home 2gether w Rabia, Nurmani, Fazlina & Iman.

Sunday, February 05, 2006
NP OPEN HOUSE ; 8:00 am

Yesterday, I went to Ngee Ann Poly Open House 2gether w my sis, cousin and her bf. In the beginning there's 9 of us going [including my friends and my sis's] but ended all our friends didn't go. Bummer. My sis wouldn't want 2 go but I forced anyway.

Well, what I can say about NP OpenHouse is dat there's so much fun! There's popcorn and candy up for grabs. Dude, guess what? I'm e 2nd person in e queue 2 get e fresh new popcorn after my cousin's bf! Haha. We gotta wait for awhile for e next 'batch' of popcorn when e current ones is finished. It was my first time watching e process of making popcorns. Stylo Milo! The corns popped out of e pot. So cute, man! No wonder it's called POPcorn!

After that we went to a Hall where there's booths of all e schools in Ngee Ann. Frankly, this is better than e previous Poly I came to. I managed to talk to e Ngee Ann ppl in e School of InfoComm Technology, Life Sciences & Chemical Technology, Business & Accountancy and Health Sciences. Now, I know much better about e courses I'm interested in. Great! Btw, in e School of Life Sciences & Chemical Technology, we were approached by a group of Malay guys whom I think are not in charge of e booth. I mean they wore a different shirt than e rest. The guy who explained e courses I'm interested in got teased by his mates. Haha. Funny, man. One of his friends interrupted and said to go Business School.

Soon after, the four of us went to Engineering School Building to study. We ordered MacDonald's foods that costed $18.80. We were there until 7pm which after we went to Kak Zahira's house to pray. We left e place at 8.10pm and headed to e MRT Station to go home. Reached there at 10pm. Slept at 2am, cos I went 2 do my Maths hw.

And now, instead of going to madrasah, I'm still home, updating my blog. Hee.. Got so many homeworks to do and tmr is Social Studies Test and yet I haven't study. Bummer!

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