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Wednesday, May 24, 2006
BO-RING ; 9:58 pm

I was kinda surprised Diq was inside e same bus.
I felt geram sumhow. I don't want him 2 find me.

Aniway, we had 2 periods in e hall for e graduating class.
What else if not about our mid-year results.
So embarrassing when Mr Sin compared our class with e other classes results.
And we were told he and & e staff were more concerned with 4e4 & 4e5 as this 2 classes are e worst.

A new seating arrangement is made.
And boi, I sat on e very first table, near to e teacher's table.
Isn't dat cool or what?

Saturday, May 20, 2006
A GREAT DAY FOR ME ; 7:56 am

Yesterday was GREAT.
Even tho I missed boarding e early bus, the next one dat came, Diq was inside!
Now, dat was e 1st time I saw him since dunno-when. But it's been a long time.
Since be4 Mid-Year Exam started, I think.
Aniway, when I boarded e bus, tapped e ez-link card, scanning around for empty seats.
There was one in front but I thot of taking behind.
However, I saw Diq and he was turning left, looking in front, in MY direction!
Dude, he was so handsome..
So, I changed my mind. I sat in front!
Next bus stop I immediately alighted cos I was already late for CW. *sigh*

The 2nd bus stop took me by surprise. Hasif was boarding e same bus as me?
I mean Bus 3 I could understand but bus 53?
I wonder whether he took e previous bus 3 as me but alighted at e 3rd stop?
OR, he took e early bus and then alighted?
Well, no one knows...

By the way, my class is having a new seating arrangement. Single File.
Just like e exam seating arrangement. BUMMER!
For 'O' Level's sake..

Atfer Malay Remedial ended, I was hoping that I would be taking e same bus as Diq since he would be performing e Friday Prayer at e mosque near my school.
But I ended up taking e bus with *Philip*!

Tuesday, May 16, 2006
EXAM RESULTS ; 7:35 am

I gotten my results for some subjects yesterday.
Other papers such as History, English Paper 1, Maths Paper 2 and Art, I haven't gotten yet.
But CONFIRM I gonna failed Combined Humans & Maths..

Since today there's no school, I shall go to POPULAR at Hougang Mall to buy some uesful, assessment books for Malay & Combined Humans.
MALaY 'O' Level is JUST around e corner. MAN.
I've decided not to watch any movies today cos all e movies are so bo-ring.
Too bad The Da VinCi Code is NC16.
I was really looking forward to it..

Saturday, May 13, 2006
WORRIED ; 10:34 am

Yesterday, me, together with Mum, Nurul & Amirah went to pay a visit to our grandmother at Tan Tock Seng Hospital. She was there since last 2 days. Hmm.. I think being in a hospital is COOL, isn't it? But most wouldn't think so. So peaceful. But I agree it's kinda boring.

Aniway, I brought a poster on 'Don't Quit'. I know I'm gonna get a bad result for Mid-Year thus I'm buying all those motivational posters to be pasted in my room. I hope it would be a successful idea in building my self-esteem. Insya- Allah.

By the way, today is an important match for Liverpool FC. They're against West Ham FC in the FA Cup Final! I've been worried since this moring when I read e newspaper. Every article seems to bet Liverpool to win the Cup. Oh no.. I hope they're right. I want Liverpool to win the Cup. They MUST and they WILL! Insya-Allah.

Friday, May 12, 2006

Yesterday, I talked to my sis about myself.
Two male friends said sth good about myself but sumhow, it saddens me.
My sis agreed wat they said. BUMMER.
Well, yea, I know it's true but ... Aargh..
I'm so lost.
Lemme xplain wat they said.
Z said I'm a too-good person dat no boy wants 2 pair up with me.
That was when we had an activity where we had 2 have an opposite partner,
and eventually, I don't have one!
I nearly had one but my other friend snatched him. Ha-ha.
Then the other incident happened yesterday.
M said I was again, "too-good" dat he didn't have anything 2 say for the
Thank-You Speech on e last day of school.
THAT, I was puzzled.
If I am "too good", then he should have something 2 say, right?
So, tell me. Is being a 'very good' girl is a bad thing?
The consequences seems to say so.
I'm so torn right now.
Should I change?
I dun feel like to..

POA RESULT ; 11:08 am

So, yesterday was e last day of exam, huh?
Phew. I'm so glad it's OVER.

Well, let's see..
I woke up as usual. Went out late 2 e bus stop cos I was searching fer my calculator.
In e end, I still didn't found e damn thing. BUMMER!
POA Paper 1. Did it without any difficulty. Well, I was stumped on qn 4. Need 2 use calculator to count. Aaaa.. Anyhow, I got $70 but e answers given was $120, $80, $60 and $40. So, I chose $80. Cos it's more than $60. ??? Waddahell..

Then we had more den 1hr break. So me, Farah, Joanne, Afshah, Nurul & Tarmizi went to e Foodcourt @ Loyang Point while Amirah, Lynn & Farah Hanan went to Mac. Once we reached e school after having our breakfast, we sat at e canteen, hearing what Afshah & Mizi talked and laughed about e funny stuffs. At e canteen, I saw Raka's lookalike, Wan. Later, I saw Philip.

Then comes the Malay Listening Compre. Hmm.. Ok lar, not bad e paper. Only confused on 2 qns.

Once finished, I was packing up when Lina came & approached me and said I got e highest for POA. Same as her. 19/30. I was kinda disappointed dat I'd gotten 19! Everyone was so surprised we'd gotten e marks even tho we did e paper 3 hrs ago! Mr Teo is so damn fast!

Overall, I passed my POA. I passed e Paper 1 but failed Paper 2 by 2 marks. 33/70. On e whole, my grade for POA is a C6. Man... It's so damn far from my target.

Anyhow, I'm prepared 2 get my other papers next week. I know I'm SO gonna failed badly especially Combined Humans.. GOTTA BUCK UP, ZIMA!

Sunday, May 07, 2006

Today, at madrasah, 4 boys and 5 girls present. Had so much laughter during Ustaz Sallehin's lessons. Also known as Atikah's best friend. Muahahaha... I pity Atikah. Always 'kena' by dat teacher. Haiz.. At one point, Ustaz accidentally said e wrong wrong. Instead of 'bayi' which means a baby, he said 'mayi'. Atikah caught dat red-handed. And repeated the word. Haha.. Embarrassed seh Ustaz.. And Filzah had to read a 'terjemahan' which is almost 1/2 of e page! But she stopped 3/4. Cannot tahan.. Hehe..

Then, after recess, since Ustaz Ghazali was absent, we took e chance of getting inside e class LATE. And guess who was the relief teacher? It's Ustaz Sallehin AGAIN. Man.. Again, at one time, he drew stick man, A, B & C. And know what he named the 'A'? Atikah. Then he called e A,B,C 'haji bakhil' (sombong). Atikah quickly said 'kurang ajar [rude] and Ustaz quickly said it wasn't this Atikah. He said it was other Atikahs. Man... Wat a joke!

Wednesday, May 03, 2006
SIGHS ; 1:26 pm

I planned 2 go Popular @ White Sands soon I finished my exam. However, on the way to the office, I talked to Isabelle and she told me her aunt would fetch her and her sister. Oh no! So I asked whether her sister was having exam too.. And the answer was a 'Yes'. Alamak. So I decided not to go. Cos I just didn't want to 'terserempak' with ~him..

I took the same bus as Philip. *nervous laugh* He completely turned his head to my direction when I walked past him. So obvious man.. *sigh* If I were to be his close friend or his *ahem*, I would have sat beside him. Yea, the seat next to him was empty. Hehe..

bold italics and underline
