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Sunday, July 30, 2006
MADRASAH ; 3:31 pm

So today, I finally went to madrasah. As usual, I came late. Haha..
Ustaz Sallehin, as always picked on Atikah.
Once, she read a sentence wrongly, 'enam puluh enam orang. eh, salah. enam puluh orang.'
Ustaz later commented, 'Enam puluh orang. Jangan nak lebih.'
Waddaheck. Kesian. Ustaz selalu nk joke.. Ahahaha..

Aniway, we have a new Ustaz, Ustaz Rahman who is replacing Ustaz Ghazali for a few months.
Hmm.. He's young. Like, probably, in the early 20s and I guess he teaches a bit better.

So, yeah, dats it.


Saturday, July 29, 2006
SAF ; 9:57 pm

Yesterday, after painting the canvas, I headed for home.
On the way to the bus stop, I turned nervous when I saw who were already there. Saf, Iz & Qil.
Luckily Isabelle came over and phew, I'm not alone!
Aniway, when e bus finally arrived, and all of us were crowding at the entrance, I heard a soft 'Hi' from Saf.
I was surprised but I didn't turned to look at him cos at e same time, I was facing the other side.
So I pretended like I didn't hear anything.
After that, the three of 'em walked passed me (they didn't board the bus) and I heard Qil asked him who he said 'hi' to.
Un42nately, I couldn't hear his reply.
However, I'm still wondering who he was actually saying to.
Isabelle and me were e last 2 to queue up 4 e bas so he couldn't have said saoftly to anyone in front of us, rite?
On the other hand, I would be glad to know if dat 'hi' was simply for me.
In dat case, it'll be the FIRST TIME he talked to me and I would have say 'hi' to him back and smile!

Saturday, July 22, 2006

Dude, for e past 2 days I was absent from school.
Sick. Flu.
Yesterday, Friday, Greenview was supposed to practice foe e Avian Flu [Sparrowhawk] and now I couldn't come & participated cos I myself had flu!
Aniway, I was told that Nick went home during recess. He was sick. That was on Thursday.
And this morning, Nurmani was unwell.
Wah, I got sick thanks to Isabelle. She passed e disease to me.
I think Mr Ramesh passed e disease.
Cos he was sick on e 3rd day of e course.

COURSE ; 5:50 pm

This morning there's Creative Writing Course @ Tampines Regional Library.
Kinda shocked to see Philip.
Aniway, the course was so exactly e same I attended. Duh.
It was e same trainer.
But I thought it will be different content.
Stupid me.

4 of my friends 'cabut' during e 10min Toilet Break. Wth.
If Mdm Rohanah knows, they're sure be in BIG trouble.
Aniway, there's Compre Course on Aug 26 and I know for sure, I'll be attending!

Sunday, July 16, 2006
I AM GIFTED, SO ARE YOU ; 11:45 am

For the past 3 days, I attended the "I am Gifted, So Are You." Camp held at NTUC Downtown East in one of the functional rooms. Truly, this camp has opened up my eyes to the reality.

The 2nd night, we all cried when Ramesh told us the hardship our parents go thru. It was so painful that more than 3/4 students inside the room cried.

Yesterday was the last day and at 7pm, parents came for the Appreciation Ceremony. My mom and Amirah came. At the last part of the ceremony, we were given the opportunity to stand up and say sth to e crowd. I wanted to say about the people who have coloured my life: mom, dad, teachers & teachers but one friend of mine cut queue and I ended up didn't get to say what I wanted to share. However, 8 classmates of mine did managed to say and the ones who also stood up did a great job. I did cry when they share their painful stories of their lives and their loved ones.

And today, I have to go to school even tho it's Sunday. Ramesh wanted to see us at 1.30pm in AVA Room. I think he wants to continue the course as we didn't really finish up the whole content of the course..

And, hey, now I have something to write in my essay! =)

Wednesday, July 12, 2006
THE WOLRD CUP FINAL, 1.50am ; 5:05 pm

Again, let's talk about World Cup 2006.
It's been a great one month of soccer. I guess.
I watched the finals and boy, I was miserable.
France lost to Italty, 3-5, thru the penalty shootout.
I was lost for words when Zidane was given a red card for headbutting Materazzi.
Overall, I think France did a better job tho Italy too played a big role for the defence.
Great defence, I must say.
Oh, well.
I couldn't understand why France's coach substituted Frank Ribery followed by Thierry Henry.
I mean they were the key players and why must they be substituted after they lost Zidane?
I watched Barthez performance and to me, it wasn't a good job.
It was all so wrong for me.

And guess what?
For the past 2 days, I didn't dare to read the newspaper or listen to any news regarding the final.
I can't bear to hear about Zidane's seeing red.
I wanted to cry.
How could Zidane ends his soccer career in a bad way?
I was really heartbroken.
And to see the Italy lifted the Cup was a huge blow.
I nearly cry seeing Trezeguet in tears.

But again, I really appreciate France's effort and that it was already a good achievement in reaching the finals.
And to Italy, congratulations to your 4th winning in World Cup..

You know what?
In the next 4 years to come, I really hope to see Turkey qualified and be one of the 32 countries involved.
Till then,

Friday, July 07, 2006

Eh, know something?
The other day, my class had 3 straight free periods and so Naqia, Amirah & myself took the opportunity to talk about the beautiful game.
For 3 whole periods, which is like 1hr 45mins, we speak one language : FOOTBALL..
Hahaha.. Can believe that?
At that time, it was the Last 16 rounds and Spain was already eliminated.
So only 8 countries left.
Btw, during that period, I made up my mind to make Owen my first favourite player and not Xabi Alonso.
Whatever it is, it was Owen that makes me like soccer. Besides, he was the FIRST soccer player I like.
So, whatever it is, Owen should be my FIRST. :)

Sad to see that WORLD CUP 2006 is coming to an end real soon.
Gotta wait for 4 years for the next one which will be held in South Africa.
Gosh, it's so long.
But the most sad thing is that this is the last time we'll be seeing Zinedine Zidane play soccer.
He will retire from soccer after the World Cup ends.
I just like him & France a week ago and to know that he's gonna retire for another few days is REAL SAD!
You know what?
I just know that Zinedine Zidane is a Muslim, thanks to my cousin who told me minutes ago..
His full name is Zinedine Yazid Zidane, from Kabyle Algerian.

P.S I'm totally impressed with France beating the champion Brazil with a score 1-0, with the goal contributed by Henry. I had a feeling France will beat Brazil even be4 e match starts. And what made me change my mind? When I was read that France beat Brazil 3-0 in the WORLD CUP 1998, with 2 goals scored by Zidane.. =>

... ; 4:39 pm

For the past 2 days, I felt great.
Hmm, why is that so?
Even tho I have experienced many downs this week.

Okae, guess what?
Today recess was kinda surprising.
Cos Perfect 10 DJ Daniel Ong came to our school.
He was already there during recess and was like talking thru e mike and interviewed students in the canteen.

The day went smoothly and we ended the school early cos all e teachers have an important seminar to attend.

I had my 'O'Level Oral at 2.15pm.
All I can say is that I sucks.
It was so disappointing.
Just yesterday [Thursday] I managed to figure out my meaningful success and it was so far from what I said 2 e invigilators.
I'm telling you I talked out of point.
Ya Allah..

I had our class photo-taking in the morning.
During Physics lesson that is.
I sat in front since I'm short. :)
And I can tell you that the way I sat is so wrong.
I didn't corrected my skirt so it was ugly..

bold italics and underline
