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Friday, February 23, 2007

A customer complimented me, "You're very clean in cleaning up."
AHAHAHAHAHAKZ!!... makasih banget ya..

Aniway, I learn not to judge people by their appearances. again.
A group of 5 boys [lower sec. I assume] came into the restaurant.
By their clothes appearances, my first impression was that they're a bunch of rowdy teenagers.
But I realised my mistakes once I served them the drinks.
The cute one :) said "thank you".

Then when I asked whether I could clear away the soup bowls,
they passed each other's bowl towards me.
One of them didn't and got scolded by his friend.
Then I guess the cute boy got irritated and "Shhh!" at his two friends.
They also helped to clear the pizza pan.

Besides, they weren't noisy when they were at the restaurants.
Unlike most students-customers.
So again, looks/appearances can be DECEIVING.

Thursday, February 22, 2007
NEED HELP. ; 8:52 am

It's earrlllyyyy in da morningg..

Eh, honestly uh. I'm gonna be more FATTER & FATTER.
Already I'm lacking of sleep..
I'm so exhausted. HELP!!

Too bad for this whole week I'm working.
Working till closing..

Oh ya! When I woke up, I saw my newly bought madrasah books.
Yippee!! No more borrowing from classmates already.
Got my own now. Yeah!

Wednesday, February 21, 2007
AMIRAH....AMIRAH... ; 1:46 am

Somebody complained that my blog is BORING.
Cos nowadays my posts are all about WORK. hahahaha!
What to do. What to write. Everyday work whaaattt...
CONFIRM there's something to talk about whaaattt...
Aniway, yesterday I'm bloated. There's so many food to eat after work.
And I'm soon gonna be more FATTER. Ouch!

Okay, so now I secretly online. If my dad knew I'm using the computer with me still in UNIFORM, I BET I kena scolding.. Hehehehe..

I'm online cos of my dear friend, Amirah. I was listening to my MP3 when she sent me a msg "I'm still on". Knowing that my dad has gone to sleep, I quietly went outside and used the computer. Then Mira & me played online POOL. I lost to her 0-3. Bluek!

Monday, February 19, 2007
RIDWAN IS BACK! ; 12:24 am

Aniway, I wished my chinese friends [those I have their hp no.]
And at the same time it's also George's birhday.. Haha..
He was surprised I know dat yesterday was his birthday. Asked me how I know.. LOL..

Oh, btw right, I received an HANG BAO. Wee~ The company gave. Wani was xtra lucky..
Gotten another hang bao from a customer..Hahaha..Aniwae, I was serving a Fortune Pizza and was sprinkling crackers onto it. The customer, a Malay, asked me "Takde deng deng ke?" [Is dat how it spelt? LOL] haha.. I like it when customers I served joke and being friendly to me.. And I also like it when I'm being clumsy.. Cos they will be entertained and laughed!! =)

The atmosphere when I reached my work place was definitely different.
Cos when I reached the mall, it was almost empty.. Shops were closed..
And not much people were around.
The restaurant was quite uncomfortably silent.

Btw, at night arond 11pm I went to the toilet ALONE.
Inside there, there's two MacDonald girls.
Then suddenly they both STOPPED talking.
There was a moment of silence in the toilet..
IT WAS SO DAMN QUIET that I swear that for e few seconds my ears and my heart was painful.
Kinda scary lar.
Then one of em spoke..
"Aku tak suka kalau ade uncomfortable silent.."
I agreed. She was already hinting some clues.. Then her friend told her to stop saying nonsense..
I was keeping quiet all the way..

Saturday, February 17, 2007

Yesterday at night after Rossa finished working which was about 8+ pm, the two of us together with Ros & her sister went to Couple Lab @ Plaza Singapura. Rossa want to buy encraved rings for her & her bf. Romantic lar.. In the end, I went home with Rossa's PH uniform and her jacket. *sigh*

Then today, came late for work cos of Rossa's uniform. Hahaha! So few customers came. Like, bloody COOL man! =) There's once a teacher and her students came. The kids were damn funny la. Whoever attends them CONFIRM kena joked. When I served em iced water, this very active boy purposely asked whether it's "Sprite, Pepsi or H20". I told him it's "Sprite." =)

And today was the first time I went home with Wani. She's very nice I tell you. She's the one who trained me & Nisa on our first day of work. She's pretty, friendly, cute.. But be4 we could go, we were 'tahan' by Awal who wanna questioned me about my working day from 16-22th. Man.. And along the way, 'someone' interrupted our conversation. She commented and OUT OF SUDDEN called me "Stupid.. blah blah blah.....". Frankly I was kinda shocked but fortunately I could control myself and SHUT myself UP and tolerate her behaviour. Her attitude SUCKS man. I've been patience for all these times.. ONLY ALLAH knows how hurtful I feels.
[Btw, Wani told me that if she were me, she'll talk back. But I JUST COULDN'T do that..Not when our manager is around and besides I'm still considered NEW and things could get WORST. I know. I've seen many times dat 'SOMEONE' fought with other staff.]

Good thing is knowing there's other people who dislike HER. Hah!
However I try not to hate her.


I guess I should be patience ad just keep quiet whenever she hurt my feelings.
Cos I know ALLAH S.W.T 'akan beri balasan kepadanya satu hari nanti'.
Btw, Wani told me something that made me PROUD of her.


I feel so elated that one of my MUSLIM FRIENDS is ready to wear hijab.

Friday, February 16, 2007

Last 2 days was VALENTINE'S DAY.
Muslims people are NOT supposed to celebrate it.

Aniway, I received 2 valentines gift though.
From my supervisor & manager.


Something terrible has happened and I shall not write about it.
But it was a sudden & unexpected for that person.

FUNNY MOMENT- I was practically pouring CHOCOLATE SAUCE into the small plastic cup to bring home with the HEART BROWNIES. Ros saw what I was doing and she said I shouldn't waste time. So she took the small cup and transfered the sauce into the right bottle container. When I told her the sauce that was in the cup was meant to be brought home, she was FLABBERGASTED. You should see her expression. We both laughed & she kept saying "SORRY! Aku tak tau."

Fatimah too thought I was wasting time and she continue pouring my OWN SAUCE back into the bottle. Again, me & Ros LAUGHED. Frankly, the whole incident was bloody FUNNY lar!

Tuesday, February 13, 2007
MR CHUA & CUSTOMER ; 11:02 pm

Mr Chua was looking for me when he walked passed the restaurant. I thought he didn't see me when I waved. He was talking to me when there's a glass in between us. I COULDN'T HEAR OR UNDERSTOOD WHAT HE WAS SAYING. In the end we met at the entrance. So yea, he congratulated and at the same time, comforted me when I told him I was quite disappointed with my results.

But looking on the BRIGHT SIDE, I HAVE FINALLY PASSED MY MATHS & COMBINED HUMANS which I've always been failing. I guess that's what matters right? cheer up. =)

Then in the evening, the regular customer, the Indian guy came. He asked me
"How's your results?"
"Uh, ok."
"Do you want to go University?"
I was quite surprised he asked that. Didn't expect he would talked about UNIVERSITY.
He thought my results could get me to JC so I quickly corrected him.

; 2:23 am

Btw, I know already the name of the Chinese rider.
It's Desmond..
It was by accident I got to know his name..
Cos something BIG happened at the kitchen..

Anyway, Justin came limping to work.
The fall the other day causes it...
Gosh, I really pity him..

And, someone BROKE a plate!!
Rossa! Oh man..
I couldn't help laughing the minute I knew she broke something.
It all seemed too funny..
Cos be4 dat, Zoanne praised her, "wah, you so power" for carrying one tray with so many plates in one hand, and a pizza pan on the other.
Even I couldn't carry with all those in one move.
She did seem POWER.
Until, a crack sound is heard at the kitchen.
so there you go! haha!!

Ros had done it. Putri had done it. I had done it. Justin had done it.
And now, the new person to be welcomed to the club is ROSSA!!
yea, you guess it all right..
I was told Siew Ming too.


Now I don't have much to worry..
Now I just have to wait & see how the results come..

One mor thing to worry about:
When the hell am I going to write?
I am so making her wait for so long MAN..

I asked for Kak Zahira's & Abg L's opinion on which poly is well-known of its Science courses.
One say NYP while the other SP.
In the end, Azizah helped me by asking her friend. SP.
So I take it that SP is the answer.
However my first choice is Biomedical Science/Biotchnology TP cos it's nearer to my house!
=) then followed by SP's Biotechnology.
I agree what Abg L said about Engineering. But still, I'm scared of putting Engineering courses as the first choice cos I don't have passion for it. My passion lies in Sciences although I admit my Science sucks. But hey, who cares? It's the interest that matters, rite?

Monday, February 12, 2007
; 1:20 am

So today when I had to do clear & wash, I get to talk with the riders and they asked me about my results. They're nice people. Asking me about my plans, giving me their opinions and advice.
Woah, feel so elated to have these ppl as my colleagues. =)

Friday, February 09, 2007
BROKE A GLASS ; 1:09 am

Btw, yesterday was my FIRST TIME breaking a glass..
It could have been avoided actually.
I was being careless..
Carrying four glasses with my left hand while my right hand carried another 2.
But I guess it was slippery, so I didn't properly hold the glasses..
Had to pay $2 for the broken glass [actually supposed to be $5]
which goes to the charity..

At least my money went for a good cause..

Oh ya! The regular customer, the Indian man came with a friend for dinner.
And he still remember me! The last time he came was the first day of school and he asked me with curiosity why I'm not schooling. So I told him I'm waiting for results.
Then yesterday he told me "O Levels result is coming soon" then smile at me.
The friend added "It's on 9th February right?" while looking at his watch thought it only shows the time. Hahahaha.. And I replied "Ya, it's tomorrow". "Oh ya".

Wah, so friendly these 2 gentlemen. Other than them, there's also this regular customer, a Eurasian man. But he always came for takeaway. Now whenever he comes, he'll bring along his kids as well. He will always carry the eldest son on his shoulder while pushing along the baby pram. He's such a sporty father, man!

O LEVELS RESULT ; 12:30 am

Today is when the results of O Levels are out.
And everyone is so damn worried.
I'm most worried about my MATHS...

Just now after eating, me & Ros talked to Adilah.
She was freaking out for the results man..
Worried about her Science & History..

And I'm worried for my Maths..

For those who wished me all the best/good luck,
thank you very much.

I do hope I get a good result.
I don't want to let down my parents & teachers especially Ms Cheong..

Wednesday, February 07, 2007
; 8:13 pm


PIZZA HUT DAY ; 1:04 am

So, yesterday work was fine.
The ones working till closing were only Putri, Adibah, Justin & myself.
And that means COOLNESS!
And the kitchen staff were only Adillah & Atini.
And a few riders..

Aniway, today funny thing happened..
It was so busy and while Putri was busy attending customers's order, Adibah took a risk by taking another customers's order.. [She's not supposed to take orders. ]
And it was also my first time to do CSR.
[Again, I'm not supposed to do CSR. I have not reached to that high level.]
The one who will usher customer(s) inside and bringing them to their seats.
It was unexpected though.
I was standing at the dumpstation when this man came inside and asked me whether the restaurant is still open. Well, of course it is..
I was dumbstruck for awhile before I took the menu from the CSR station and usher the good-looking man inside..
Then I told him "Would you like to sit there?" while pointing to a 2 seats..
and phew, he was okay with it. Said something like, "Why not?" or "Sure"
Haha.. First time I did CSR and everything was cool.. Yeah!
Everything was in a mess. Suddenly, people kept coming to the restaurant..
Pity to Putri & Manager Zoanne..

Monday, February 05, 2007
HENNA HARAM? ; 1:28 am


Me & my classmates were all completely stunned when told by Ustaz Amin that Henna is actually haram in Islam. ARE YOU SURE, USTAZ? We started to protest but he was determined and didn't even gave us the chance to explain.

He asked me questions which I was about to protest. I only managed to say 'But...' when he stopped me from continuing and demanded I answered either a 'Yes' or 'No'. I got it TWICE. Amalina also kena. We had no choice but to answer his questions unwillingly. But what amazed me was that the boys too didn't agree with him. They even tried questioning Ustaz. And funnily enough, Ustaz gave an answer [which was a question] which nobody understood. It's like we're forced to agree what he say but eventually we still agree on our own perspective..

Later the next period, we asked Ustaz Sallehin. And as expected, his reply was that Henna is not haram in Islam unless it was done to the males..

Sunday, February 04, 2007

I realised that something in me still has not changed.
Which is of course, my LAST-MINUTE ATTITUDE.
I'm talking about my realigious school's homework btw.
Now then I started to do. At 2am. Wah.

Aniwae, I came back from work at 1.05am.
Came back home damn late because of the meeting.
Boss purposely came for the meeting late.
Wanna make us feel how it feels like when ur employees come late for work.
Went home took a taxi since my last bus is 12.52am and I got out of the mall at 12.55am.
The taxi driver was friendly though. And he even gave me a discount.

Btw, I kena fooled by this rider. He asked me for my name and when I replied, he said Awal wants to see me. So I searched for Awal then asked him, "You called me?". "No." Then I realised what happened. No wonder someone said 'Busted' when the rider told me that. Later I saw dat rider who tricked me and I told him "Tadi bohong kan?" and we both exchanged smiles. Man, I felt so paiseh.

Erm btw, this morning [Saturday] I kind of dreamt that I chatted with ...
Stop it, man.. It will never ever happen because he's not in MSN contact list.

Oh ya! Yesterday was Zhe Xiong's Birthday. He just turned 16. His my colleague. Another surprise news. Many of those who work earlier than me are mostly YOUNGER than ME.
For example Sunita. She's turning 15 this year. Oh man..

Friday, February 02, 2007
LIST OF SONGS ; 3:18 pm

I'm so bored. Off day. Kinda lazy to do my homework. :)
But I'll make sure I'll get it done by Sunday.

Since I've got nothing to do, I'm gonna make a list of the songs that reminds me of something/someone, yea?

1) this particular classical song - reminds me of Michael Owen..
2) Love Song [Enya] - Mrs Tan Wei Pin & 2e3
Reason: she always play this song during our Life Skill lesson..
3) Incomplete [BSB] - Diq
Reason: he was my long-time crush. and I will always thinking of him..
4) Show Me The Money [Petey Pablo] - ...
Reason: we started knowing each other when 'Step Up' was a big hit at dat time.
This song was a soundtrack of it and I often hear it.
5) All Good Things Come To An End [Nelly Furtado] - PizzaHut & ...
Reason: Almost more than once in my first few working weeks I would hear this song.
and it also reminds me of ... becos of our friendship seems to have ended.

Thursday, February 01, 2007

Nelly Furtado

Honestly what will become of me
Don't like reality
It's way too clear to me
But really life is dandy
We are what we don't see
Miss everything daydreaming

Flames to dust
Lovers to friends
Why do all good things come to an end

Traveling I always stop at exits
Wondering if I'll stay
Young and restless
Living this way I stress less
I want to pull away when the dream dies
The pain sets in and I don't cry
I only feel gravity and I wonder why

Flames to dust
Lovers to friends
Why do all good things come to an end

Dogs were whistling a new tune
Barking at the new moon
Hoping it would come soon soon
so that they could die

Diee..... Diee..... Diee......

Flames to dust
Lovers to friends
Why do all good things come to an end

And the sun was wondering if it should stay away for a day
Til the feeling went away
And the sky was falling and the clouds were dropping
And the rainfall forgot how to bring salvation
The dogs were barking at the new moon
Whistling a new tune hoping it would come soon
So that they could die

Gee, I really love this song..
Everytime I hear it when I'm working I feel so happy..
*sigh* Why do our friendship come to an end?
And I wonder why...

bold italics and underline
