Sunday, April 29, 2007
WORK. ; 12:39 pm
Yesterday I worked full shift.
Busy2. Like hell.
Worst, I'm in charged of section 300. Again.
Should have seen the washing area.
The whole place was in a complete madness.
Like what Uncle John said, it's like we had a war.
For the very first time, I seen the floor full of plates, pans, etc.
It was so bad that whoever wants to walk across, he/she had to "kangkang".
Um, had to take one big step at a time.
Otherwise, you knocked off the plates and broke them into pieces.
Resulting you to pay $5 per plate.
Pity the kitchen staff & riders on duty.
Confirm go home late seh.
Me & Sally went home at 12plus.
Were the last service staff to go.
I think that this week I'll be spending my time after school at the library.
Go and revise. LOL.
Saturday, April 28, 2007
LATE ; 1:24 am
Went for lunch at Business School after last lesson ended.
Wow. I must say the Chicken Rice is very satisfying.Saw familiar faces. Kamilul Ashraf, Gabriel SCYTHIA & Derek GL.After that, we went to the Student's Lounge but we had no choice but to leave since all the pool have been occupied.So we went to the library. Unfortunately, we don't really know what to do there.So we kinda explore some levels of the library.Level by level. Browsing.At one point of time, the lift door opened and we entered with other people.But we don't know which level to go to.LOL. In the end, we hung out at Level 8.Talked all the way and often there's the phrase "Eh. Channel 5 please."I'm the only malay in the group and they were talking in Mandarin.LOL. But my classmates are very sweet.Try to get me into the conversation. LOL.WORK.This was the first time I had to do Section 300.First time take orders. Doing all the things ALONE.Scary. Wasn't prepared.Quite messy uh. I had to get Xiong's & Wani's help.Lucky. They saved my day.Kwang3..
Thursday, April 26, 2007
I am so
Well, I went to complete my assignment [though it's supposed to be handed in next Thursday]
and did a few practice before I came online.
Though today I was so
sleepy, yet I still enjoyed the lectures & tutorials.
Because I paid more attention to them than previous days uh.
And at last, I understood why
1+1= 0 carry 1. Binary Addition, I finally understand you ok.Alhamdulillah. =)
Came an hour earlier to TP. Just so to have breakfast with classmates at Mensa.
paiseh myself when ordering the food. Pronounced the word "thosai" wrongly.
Sad news but had been expecting - Liverpool
LOST to Chelsea 0-1.
What saddened most was that the match was the
semi-final in Champions League.I guess that's the end of Liverpool in Champions League? Oh no.
Couldn't bear to read today's newspaper. Confirm there'll be a lot of praises for Chelsea. Yuck!
For 2 straight days, I have a headache.
And still having it.
What CCA shall I join???
After school & bought APEL 1 Journal, the bunch of us went for CCA Recruitment. I have interest in outdoor activities and doing social work since young. I nearly signed up for Malay Arts Group but alas, I have a change of mind and instead went for
ESPLANADE YOUTHS. Erm, is dat cool or what?
Then at 5pm I had work. I was so blur. 2 days I've not been working and I had forgotten how to take orders & key in properly. Mann.. I did a mistake and fortunately I didn't get any scolding. Well, not today. Maybe next time. I keyed in wrong order. Customer wanted a
LARGE pizza but I keyed in
REGULAR. Well, it's due to my "smart
ness". I didn't jot down the orders since my pen wasn't with me at that point of time so I had to depend on my brain. Sadly, my brain is not cooperative enough and I forget the orders. Arghh..
Shoot.Ok, funny moments time.
In lecture room, Mani was playing Wei Qi's hp's chains and was complaining "What is this?".
And he made a funny face. The lecturer was looking at him & he knew that. Those around him laughed very hard.
Cannot tahan uh. When the lecturer gave him the "Are you all right?" look. LOL.
Shahidah told me this incident that I think was very hilarious.
She took a scoop of ice one by one instead of just taking a bucket and put all ice into it at one go.
Shirn, noticing this, scolded her for that and complained.
After Shirin left the bar, Fazli the rider came up to take a drink said, "Takpe la. Sikit2 lama2 jadi bukit".
LOL. That was funny wasn't it? You guys get e message??
TP ; 12:36 am
Today was great.
First 2 lessons were in the lab.
The guys are fast learners, I swear.
Whereas us the girls were like lost and struggling to catch up.
Next time, we shall sit among the guys.
No more sexist.
No more one row girls, one row guys.
Anyway, all of us, 21 students [Mokhsin absent] fit into the Firemen’s Lift.
Hahahaha.. Get that right. FIREMEN’S LIFT that we took. Gosh.
We were squeezing each other lar.
Funny thing is after we got out of the lift, we couldn’t find the Lab 11.
We were lost so we asked this senior we saw and he pointed the door that was directly and the only door there was. Haha. Blur us.
And we were blind cos there’s a map located on that level. Gosh.
Lunch at Jupiter Café.
Since most of us wanna try out the Western Food.
We finished our meal arnd 12.15noon.
So we decided to spent the next 45mins of our break at the library.
And man it was coolness. Funny incidents occurred.
Basically Mani wanna throw Mei Qi down the floors.
EPT. What is that?
Again, we asked the senior whom we recognized.
On the way out of ENG school, something liquid got into me & Chee Leong.
Not sure whether the rest kena. I looked at my hand and saw saliva.
Someone from upstairs had obviously spat on us. Bloody.
Monday, April 23, 2007
1ST DAY OF SCHOOL ; 9:15 pm
Frankly, I still couldn't believe I am now officially a Polytechnic student.
Time fly so fast man.
So yeah, today was my first day in my new school. Being a FRESHMEN.
Hmm.. Reached the poly at 9.50am and met my classmates who were waiting at the mushroom.
Then after we're sure all 22 students of A721 are present, we headed 2wards LT45.
And gosh, to our astonishment, the room was empty.
Awesome! 4mins to lesson and no one is present.
The lecture was kinda confusing, I must say.
I had diffculty understanding him.
He pronounced "output" as "anhut". Well, something like that.
Don't understand the lecturer = don't understood what was being taught.
So true.
Unfortunately, it goes the same for the tutorial.
The tutor speak with his Indian accent so yea, I don't really get to understand what he was saying but thank god I am able to complete the assignment. :)
Lunch at Short Circuit. Gee, funny name right? Haha.
Saw familiar faces, Roslan & Stanford. The FA & my class mentor.
Since the guys finished their food earlier than the girls, they went to buy our EMaths textbooks.
Gee, don't ya agree my classmates are helpful? Hahaha.
The whole day was damn fast.
One hour seems like half an hour. Really.
So after school & performed my Zohor prayer, I headed to Tampines Mall to shop for stationery.
Last-min shopping. :)
After which I went to McCafe to buy Double Chocolate.
Didn't know the person working was dat good-looking guy.
Oh my. I had butterflies in my stomach man. Yea, right!
OKay, I shall chiow now.
Gotta go and revise what I had learn today.
Like what the CM says, 1st Year is the only year whereby students can obtained DISCTINCTION very easily.
And being me, I shall not let go of this opportunity.
New Environment = New Study Strategy.
Hahaha, don't mind me. I'm talking crap. :P
Saturday, April 21, 2007
THANKS UH ; 10:55 am
My shoulders are aching.
Thank you so much, Dragon Boat.
I didn't go for Scythia outing.
Feel so guilty man.
The 3 days ENGINEERING ORIENTATION has ended..
And boy, did I enjoy myself!! My classmates are so cool.
Aniway, here's the summary of what happened.
DAY 1I went into the wrong class!
*embarrassed*I don't think it's my fault though. The FA guy who asked for surname told me to go LT28.
And so I thought he was referring to the pillar that has "LT28" on it.
So just before I reached to the pillar, people sitting there has gotten up and were already moving to their classroom.
And I joined in the crowd.
Momo also followed. Yay! Finally saw a Scythian!
Then in the classroom, Momo asked about registration. Since the 2 of us were not really sure whether we're in the right class, we asked the person in charge. Gosh. How paiseh I feel when found out my name nor Momo's is not on the namelist. So we went back to the foyer. Then meet again the guy. Again he said "LT28" and this time I sat alone since the foyer is empty with students already gone to their classroom. Which also means, the right classmates of mine are already in their classroom. Oh boy!
I waited for like almost 15mins before 2 girls who came late had to go LT28. And I realised, to my horror, LT28 that I was referred to is a room not the pillar. Apparently the room is kinda outside the foyer so I didn't see it. All along I was supposed to go into that bloody Lecture Room. Aarghhh!!!!
At last, I was directed to my classrom, A721. Before going in, I went to take a peep from the glass on the door. Surprisingly, I saw a familiar face, Mokhsin, a fellow Scythian. Then I went inside, and everyone was looking at me.
Paiseh, I said "Hi. My name is Azimah." Ohh mann.
I missed out the introduction since I was late. After that we played a few games, like "Handiplast" before learning the cheers. At one point, the next class was cheering "Engine OEI !" and our mentor, Stanford, decided to challenge. So we did the "Engine OEI!" and ended it with claps and shouting. Soon after, the guy in charge of our floor came inside our room and said "Power. Very good." Yessa!!
Throughout the day, we mostly played interesting games like "Go Back Go. Go Back Jump.", "Frogs Jump Into The Water. Toing!", etc. Get to see those who got it wrong. Extremely fun lar. Laugh all the way. The boring part is to wait for our Tool Box. It took us 1hr plus. So some of us went to sleep while others chatted or were in their own world.
Oh ya! We also learned TP's Mass Dance, Chicky Dance, TP's school song.
Then at the bus stop, I saw many familiar faces. Ex-Greenviewians. Many of 'em! 4e1 - 4e3 batch. And my own class, 4e4. Nizam, Muhaimin. Then there's Scythian GL, Nina/Nani and freshies, Mokhsin & Navin. Coolness!
[Scythians I saw-GL-Nani, Freshies-Momo, Mokhsin]
DAY 2Reached 4mins late and when I went inside, there's only a few bunch of peeps. One by one came. Heard that in one class only 5 were there. Aiyo.
Activites: -
1) Meeting Care Person
2) Learn "How To Solve Rubik's Cube" by FA Melvin. * 3) Course Manager Talk
4) Learn "Go Temasek Go" Handsign
5) ETCM meeting @ Mushroom
6) Games- "Back To The Future", "Johnny Woosh", "+ , - , x , divide = ???"
*specially for class A721. :P

Day 2's highlight was the
Rubik's Cube. Since morning, we tried figure out solving the cube. But to no avail. It's only when Melvin came then it was solved. He taught us but frankly, I'm still clueless. All I rmbr was "turn 180 degree", "make a cross", "fish". :)
The talk by Course Manager was damn fun. Well, I meant the after. The hosts and the Organisers, especially Kumar know how to make the audience laugh like hell. Pity Kumar though. Kena
paiseh in front of 1, 500 people.
Had fun while learning the hand signs. My class kept saying "Clap lar" and "Something like that". Purposely. Muahahaha. That's Kelvin's trademark btw. That's why we disturb him. Yea.
[Scythians I saw- HGL Farhan, GL-Alex]
DAY 3Activities: -
1) Temasek Regatta
2) Olympiad
ENGineering won the first Telematch. Yessa! I was so elated. Felt a sense of achievement when the ENG team raised the our ENG flag while other school teams still struggling to reach the end. :)
However, overall ENGineering did not win any of the 4 awards. :( Oh well. Sorry ENG mates if I let down all you guys during the Regatta. I participated in the DragonBoat Freshmen Women and sad to say, we were in the last position. I felt bad, really. I know haw badly ENG want to win. But then again, the most important thing is to have
I don't really know what my class did during my absence. I was practicing rowing all the while. And I had lunch with the other dragonboaters. Speaking of which, me & Wen Qi were the only survivors that could finish the lunch. Most said it was bad. Well, I was e last person to finish up my lunch among my classmates. I wonder if I'm slower in my class, what about Amirah? She's slower than me! LOL.
After the Regatta ended, I get to joined back my classmates. Got out timetable. Yessa! Been waiting for it man. Aniway, on Monday we start lesson at 10am so A721 decide to go as one so we're meeting at 9.45am at the Mushroom. I so
LOVE my class. We're so
UNITED. Yeah, dats e spirit!!
[Scythians I saw-FA-Mountain,GL- Reno,Alvin,Jia Hui,Nani,Lene,Kat. Freshies- Ernie, Brandon IT, Amirah DES, Sean ENG.]
A721 RAWKS!!
P.S Thanks Stanford, A721 Mentor. The ENG Level 4 FA, Melvin & Kelvin.
You guys RAWKS!
Monday, April 16, 2007
Scythian outing was yesterday afternoon. But too bad, I had to leave early since I'll have work at 6pm. Didn't get to cycle with my dear Scythians. Mann. Mostly those who turned up were from FOW since the FOC people were not really informed. Besides this outing was a last-minute planned. And the real & planned outing is this Saturday at Sentosa. But, to my utmost disappointment, I'm working from 4 till night on that day. Aww, man.
Before leaving Downtown East, I stopped by McCafe to buy Double Chocolate. I'm so in love with it.
Aniway, I'm still not sure whether this coming orientation day is actually a camp or like a workshop. Students from other campus said they have to sleep for the last few days of the orientation. Then what about the Engineering School? Hmm, I wonder..
Sunday, April 15, 2007
SLEEPYHEAD ; 9:40 pm
I lacked of sleep nowadays. After work, I stay up late in the morning to surf the net. So today I slept at 3plus in the morning and woke up at 7.20am and get ready for realigious school. Sleepy! Then at 5pm have to work. Wah lao.
Today at the mosque, everyone of my classmates came. Alhamdulillah. It's hard to see the attendance marked with a "l" instead of "0".
And now, I just finished chatted with Scythians GLs, FOW & FOC. There's an outing for Scythians today at 12pm at 7-11, Pasir Ris Interchange. I guess I'll have to bring along my PH uniform since at 6pm I have to work. Haiz..
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
FOW DAY 3 ; 9:43 pm
So we Sycthians ended getting a 4th place overall. But hey, who cares? That doesn't matter aniway. What counts is that we have FUN, and yes I do enjoy myself alot and I'm sure the other Scythians enjoyed the whole FOW too. I was expecting Scythia to be the last so when it's not, I felt a sense of relieved & grateful. Wee~
Ok, I'm proud that Sycthians had done our best in the Final Clash. We were the last 2 empires to still be on the match. But in the end, we lost to Ophix. Darn. 2nd place is not really that bad uh. I was shocked to know that we had destroyed Ayton's lollipop. Well, it was Gary who attacked and that was bloody impressive. Woohoo!
The debrief was emotional since that was when each of every GLs have to say something. And gosh, there were few who cried. And that it almost made me close to tears. I appreciate those GLs who sacrifice their time/activity just specially to be with us. Seriously!
Monday, April 09, 2007
Ok, so I reached TP late. Sorry Mira & Tas fer making you girls waited fer so long. Mira kena paiseh by this guy at the bridge. The guy asked her "Are you here for the workshop?". Mira- "Yes". Then the guy suddenly cheered "Welcome!" cheers. LOL. It was hilarious cos it was unexpected.
Surprisingly, the 3 of us are in the same empire, "SCYTHIA". I have difficulties pronouncing it. In "SCYTHIA", there are 3 sub-empires, namely "Scyra", "Scyron" & "Scylop". I'm in the same group as Mira, SCYRON which sounded like crayon btw. Well, in dat group, we have the MAIN COMM- Mountain & 148. HGL- Farhan. GLs- Kazumi, KC, Alvin, Faizah, Maybelle, Jocelyn, Ling Hui, Ling Yui, Reno, etc. I only know the SCYRON's GLs. lol.
Overall, I had great fun. Somehow after lunch everyone was active & fresh. Not a zombie anymore. Hahaha.. During lunch, I joined this group of girls I made friends with during the BLOW WIND BLOW game to perform our zohor prayer. The place was neat & clean. I loike! Kak Haney, I prayed at ur school compound. I think it was the one you mentioned.
The workshop ended an hour earlier. Maybe due to the weather. I mean we were supposed to have the games outside TP, at the Tampines Central. Cool huh? But since it was raining, we had to make use of the school compound. Still, it was fun. Our GLs are COOL & friendly man. They RAWKS..
Then instead of going home, me & Mira went to KFC to eat and then headed to TM for Famous Amos Cookies & Polar Puff Brownie Slice. Mmmm...
Wednesday, April 04, 2007
Few days ago, I read the malay novel I borrowed from the library entitled "Penantian". Yea, I borrowed it in the first place because it relates to what I experienced before or should I say still experience it? I'm not gonna go further about this. Not when I'm in a condition whereby my keyboard is not cooperating?
Bloodyhell uh.