Friday, June 29, 2007
SCH ENDS EARLIER! ; 10:30 am
Right now I'm in sch library using Vicky's laptop. Slacking now. Hahaha. Aniway, I'm feeling lazy to go TMall to buy present for Amirah. Heh.
Sch today was really slacking. WRToral class almost doing nothing. Then went for a short break. Gotten back the WRToral test. Yayness! I passed with a good mark. :) DFund lab was 'worst'. Finished the lesson 1hrplus earlier.
After which our school for today has ended and we headed for MENSA to eat. Gosh. Now I've to wait for hours for the TOASTMASTER CHILL OUT SESSION. Gee. Nvmind. As long as I have company with me, it's ok. Yea.
SIS BDAE ; 2:45 am
HAPPY 8th BIRTHDAY, AMIRAH !!dear lil sis,
i've no idea what to buy for you as a bdae present.
waffle can?
SCHOOL, WORK.. ; 1:34 am
Wednesday was the day I spent most of the curricular time sleeping. CKT Lecture has always been boring hence it's not a suprise to see me falling asleep.
2nd time already. Then during ITE Maths remedial [yup, I went to the tutorial specially for ITE, instead of the one I'm supposed to go to- O Levels], I fall asleep. My friends were like telling me it's ok to sleep. They'd teach me whatever I missed during the tutorial. But I felt so bad and embarrassed to be found sleeping in during a tutorial. So it's a good thing when I finally got myself awake.
All this lack of sleep is caused by the
EPT research that I did until 5am. Slept for 2 hours. Woke up at 7am and found myself late for my 8am EPT lab work. Bummer. But on that day
I was satisfied at the same time cos it's the first time my lab 'invention'
WORKED! Finally.
I shall put up the 'invention' one day in here.
Then 6pm I had work. Gosh. Only 2 service staff working. And two managers on duty, Awal & ex-AMK manager, Nathan. Hahaha.
SURPRISE, SURPRISE!! And it was my
FIRST time [another] watching my managers clear and set up tables. I admit I felt so bad. Hehe. But what to do, shortage of manpower. Sally came to help do washing.
Then today, again, only Jocelyn and myself worked. Somehow Sally came an hour later. Woohoo! Good thing she came.
Lessen our burden. Oh yea. When I came for work, I first saw
Boss &
Nathan form outside. Then I saw
Junaidi in the kitchen. After that I saw
Awal in the office. Shocking man to see
all four managers of CMP PH to be on duty. Kinda funny. And phew, it wasn't really that busy. I'm so happy to see Sally came. She really been a help. :)
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
SCHOOL ; 8:15 pm
So far, school has been great. Been understanding the new topics for DFund & CKT.
But instead of CKT, my problem now lies on EMaths.
Chapter 4, 5 & 6 are all related.
Oh. How I hate this confusing chapter.
I will
forever flunk my CKT Lab. Don't know when I will finally understand it. Hmrphh..
I'm holding on your rope,
Got me ten feet off the ground
I'm hearin what you say but I just can't make a sound
You tell me that you need me
Then you go and cut me down, but wait
You tell me that you're sorry
Didn't think I'd turn around, and say...
It's too late to apologize, it's too late
I said it's too late to apologize, it's too late
I'd take another chance, take a fall
Take a shot for you
And I need you like a heart needs a beat
But it's nothin new
I loved you with a fire red-
Now it's turning blue, and you say...
"Sorry" like the angel heaven let me think was you
But I'm afraid...
It's too late to apologize, it's too late
I said it's too late to apologize, it's too late
Bridge (guitar/piano)
It's too late to apologize, it's too late
I said it's too late to apologize, it's too late
It's too late to apologize, yeah
I said it's too late to apologize, yeah-
I'm holdin on your rope, got me ten feet off the ground...
Gosh. Thought I was the only one getting diarrhoea once after the BBQ.
Then at school, others were saying they had diarrhoea too.
Well, I've no idea what's the cause of it.
According to Shi Shun, it's the solid fuel we used for the fire.
Perharps he's right. Seems like those who touched it were the ones gotten the diarrhoea.
Oh well. Fortunately I'm fine now.
So yea, today's the first day of school.
Gotten back some results from my term tests. Kinda disappointing although I passed the subjects I received today, DFund & EMaths. CKT is the last subject I would like to know.
Sunday, June 24, 2007
A721 BBQ ; 2:04 am
Yesterday was
A721 BBQ @ Pasir Ris Park. Reached there at 3pm and thought I was lost. I came alone since the others came earlier, 11.30am. But eventually I found the right place. As I am writing this down, only Vicky, Sharon, WeiQi, Shi Shun & perharps Mani are the ones remained at the park, staying over.
Went home at about 12plus. Took taxi. It was one hell of a journey back to Punggol 21. The driver drove so fast, jerking so many times.
Aniway, I do had fun with the class BBQ although sad to say that not all of my classmates came. Only 13 out of 22 people. Aiyo. Oh ya. Sad thing was there wasn't any WATERBOMB activity. Damn. I brought extra clothes seh. (: Aniway, I didn't took alot of pics due to memory card FULL.
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
SUMMARY ; 6:15 am
Last Friday, I went back to school to study with
Vicky &
Sharon. Then at 7pm, we're off to
Toastmasters 1st Chapter Meeting at
ENG school.
p.s I didn't know there's Toastmasters Club at Punggol. It's called 'Punggol Toastmasters Club'.DUH! Felt like joining though. :) The meeting was damn fun. My friends, including Michelle & Dee, were the noisiet bunch. Samosa was good. :) During Introduction, I made a fool of myself. After Nawira, the president club, it was my turn to intro. I stood, looked around and see Sharon. Then I burst into laughter. Dee, who was beside gave me a peanut. I wasn't really alert to what was going on. I was blur. So when I realised I was holding a peanut and playing a fool with it, I threw it on the table. It was so damn embarrassing lar. I made a fool of myself in front of more than 10 ppl. Worst, I was the main subject at that point of time. Gosh. Oh, then we had dinner at KFC and had Anil joining us. Had most of the conversation filled with diry talks. All thanks to Sharon. :)Today I went to
AMK Pizza Hut together with
Mui Hwee & my sis,
Nurul. Acted as customer. That was the last day of the ChampCheck training. After which, the 3 of us went to McCafe to buy
3 Double Chocolates, 2 Ultimate Cheesecake & 1 Oreo Cheesecake. I had to treat Nurul, in return she went for the training. And my other sis, Amirah is craving for a cheesecake. Funny.
Oh yeah. I received an email from a tpd senior about tpd [
Group] updates and tasks to all members. I was stunned that they include me as a member cos I thought I'll be no longer a member there since I wasn't active and didn't came to the 2 orientations they organised. Boo hoo. But what shocked me was that they assigned me as a
tpd main COMM, a
SECRETARY/ADMIN. Damn. Is it really me or another Azimah? lols. And the task I have to do is due on mon, 25th June, which is like the first day of school? Boo hoo. I have to do all my assignments, projects, tasks by today coz it's the only day I'm
OFF from work. But I don't feel like doing it. I wanna
SLEEP. Zzzz..
I am so dead meat.And
Putri Amirah, thanks for finally putting up a new tagboard. It's a wonder how the other day I sent you an sms to change ur tagboard there's no reply. But when I wrote that in my blog, you saw it and immediately put a new one. I understand. You didn't get e sms rite. Probably ur sis had the phone with her and maybe she kinda deleted it.
When I came to ur blog, everyone is like wondering how come you have 2 tagboards. :)
I AM SO TOUCHED, AMIRAH. really, I am. thanks dear friend. =)
Thursday, June 14, 2007
HANDPHONE ; 12:17 pm
I don't feel like wanting to have a handphone anymore.
My SIM card is spoilt due to my itchy hand playing around with the security codes.
My mom wanted to get the replacement card today but I told her there isn't a need to.
With or without handphone, my life will still remain the same.
Good thing I'm not obsessed with handphone. :)
Sorry people for the inconvenience. Anything just call my house no or email me etc.
I don't want handphone.
PULAU UBIN ; 11:37 am
Since my SIM card is spoilt, I did not get updates on the time & venue to meet.
So I used the timing stated at the blog. 8am @ Tamp Interchange.
I reached at 8.25am but I see no familiar faces at all.
Thought they had left.
But mins later I saw Ali and another Scythian in red.
But I didn't joined them. I was damn bored.
I saw Ernie, Brandon, KC, Wan and a few others. In RED.
Gosh. Everyone is wearing a RED shirt and I'm wearing blue. So odd.
Had breakfast at McDonald. Saw Syirin on the way home.
She didn't saw me I guess. And yes, she too in RED.
Went home and found out from my mum that Amirah didn't go for the outing.
padahal kitorang dah semangat nak pergi and see each other after so long..
Wednesday, June 13, 2007

We bought 4 Double Chocolates & 2 Frappe Vanilla & Mocha.
yum2.Then there's the 2 pizza for the price of $19.90. Marine Dream & Meat Galore.
After the movie, Pirates Of The Caribbean 3: At World's End, we proceed to Vivocity to EAT.
YUM2. Damn! Our tables consists of so many food. When we left the place, it looked unbelivable for 6 girls to have eaten so much! Pizzas, McCafe drinks, BANQUET food.Then it's time to relax at the 3rd level. The view was neat! And hey, the StarCruise Virgo was in sight. Man. It's so near. When will I ever get the chance to go inside the cruise? Oh well.
Sunday, June 10, 2007
SO MANY THINGS. ; 3:47 pm
So much things have happened.
Term Test is finally over.
And we celebrate the end of our term test by watching Shrek 3.
Rossa & Putri had gone back to their homeland, Indonesia.
Their attachment here has ended.
It was a teary farewell.
I went to the airport together with Shahidah & Kamar.
Once we saw them, Rossa & Putri came running towards and hugged us.
By then I was already crying seeing Rossa in tears.
Shahidah too cried when she hugged Putri.
Gosh.And now, I'm sick.
Monday, June 04, 2007
:( ; 12:51 pm
Yesterday was the last day I worked together with Rossa & Putri.
Well, I'm not quitting. Yet. Just that when the next time I work, they're gone.
Back to their homeland.
:(can cry seh. I still remember my first few weeks being a new staff. Always worked with them and Rosiati.Now everyone is slowly fading away.
I counted before and after me, there were altogether 18 people quitted.
In like less than my 5 months, I see 18 people come and go.
shoot.And my suspicious became a reality. The riders Bahtera & Wazir quit already.
And when I asked why Faiz said he don't know. Well, simple. He just didn't wanna tell me.
Aniway, yesterday was the worst working day ever.
It was my first time ever getting a really difficult customer.
Not one but two. And both groups complained at the same time.
And both wanted to see the manager. So I had to tell Shirin.
301 wanted to see RM but Boh refused. 301 was worst. They argued many issues and it took more than half an hour to be settled. In the end, they wanted to speak to the Area Manager.
hell.Closing was fun. We all thought that we would be f****ed by Boh. And everyone is trying to reassure me. Be prepared lar, etc. In the end, he left early. All the way, Putri was teased by Ridwan. Kinda slack during closing basically. Faiz joined us. Sunita and I got to talkings about some issues. It felt great eventually.
Sunday, June 03, 2007
FOUNTAIN ; 9:02 am
Last Friday, I was at sch with the gang till 9pm. After studying, we went to the Fountain. Seriously, Shi Shun was HIGH. He sang chinese songs with feelings. Hehe. Entertained us. Wei Qi occupied most of the time there doing paperboat & lotus.
It was full moon. And damn, it was so
BEAUTIFUL. I never failed to dream about going to the moon and touch it's surfaces. It's so bloody damn nice.
I got my quiz/test results last week. It's pathetic. I passed all but it's bordeline case. Grades
C+ for DFund,
D for CKT. P-a-t-h-e-t-i-c.
GUILTY ; 8:52 am
Gosh. I feel guilty now.
Supposed to be at my realigious school now.
Instead I'm home cos I've to revise for term test which is like tomorrow?
Why oh why do I have to work today?
If not, I would have gone to my madrasah and later in the evening revise.
bloodyhell.I'm so stupid not exchanging contacts with CET friends.
I found myself often wondering how they're doing in their PH outlet.
Aah. I bloody miss them la. LOLS.
It's so hard finding their accounts in Friendster.
Found one, the "Rauzan-lookalike" but he's not my group member.