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Friday, December 28, 2007

This morning I was busily cleaning my desk when lil Amirah came to the room and said I had 2 missed calls & 1 message received. The calls were from AL-ZUHRI. Guess it was cancelled. Then the message was from Basil asking whether today going to sch.

Cut short to the story, now I'm at the school library. Basil's DFund project is finally done and working. Yessa! And now I'm with Azimah & Khalisah. We've done our CDS Selection and my first choice is INTRODUCTION TO SOCIOLOGY. :) I planned to do COMPROG & PCB but seems there is no time so I guess I'll just slack around surfing the net. :))

Yeah. So that's all. Bye!

Thursday, December 27, 2007
TAGGED! ; 8:18 am

So I was tagged by Amirah. Ohkay. Here it goes~~

Link to your tagger and post these rules. List eight (8) random facts about yourself. Tag eight people at the end of your post and list their names (linking to them). Let them know they’ve been tagged by leaving them a comment on their blogs.

1. I have SPLIT personality.. BEWARE!
2. Sleepy 24/7. :))
3. LOVES to shop alone for FOOD. mmm..
4. Likes to have a packed schedule..
5. and torture herself with e activities..
6. a WEIRDO. lol.
7. loves volunteering..yess..
8. coffee-holic. =D

TAG! (hmmmm....)
1. Nurulain :)
2. Sharonjit :))
3. Nadz :)
4. Hana :)
5. Kak Haney :)
6. Emily :)
7. Adibah :)
8. Sin. :P

Wednesday, December 26, 2007
BGR@BATAM TRIP ; 3:19 pm

Last Monday I returned to Singapore from my 3D2N trip to Batam. It wasn't a holiday, mind you. It's a volunteer, humanitarian outreach plus expedition trip.

The first 2 days were at PANTI ASUHAN AZ-ZAINIYAH. I made new friends with the anak-anak there. And yes, I gained a whole lot of experiences, such as CHICKEN SLAUGHTERING (yes, I sembelih ayam. ahahaha.. ), plucked ubi kayu, search for kerang at the mud-like beach, etc. It's damn regret I did not bring my camera. Now just have to depend on Filzah uploading the photos. Itupun last day jer ambik.

Anyway, as expected, I cried on the last day at the Panti. I saw Warda cied and immediately when I hugged her, I just burst into tears. Goodness. I really hugged her tight. The thought of not seeing her finally sank into my mind right there and then.

I will seriously remember the good times we had. The night where we rested at the pondok, chatting and playing games. Getting our facilitator into a DARE- giving a flower to the Panti's Ustaz. It was damn hilarious. And lastly, when all 15 of us sang Acha's Memori Berkasih together. Sad I don't know the lyrics. :(

After the Panti, we proceed to QUR'AN CENTRE where kids there learnt to read Al-Quran and hafal the Juz. Firstly, we watched this boy aged 10 read a surah with a voice so mesmerizing. And he just read it straight from his mind. Next we were given the chance to test 3 students there. We picked a sentence from one of the Juz they have learnt and from there they have to continue. And yes, they succeed. They really make me feel so tiny.

The next place was RADIO SALAM FM. We were ON AIR la for goodness sake! The DJ, Mbak Eva, was in charge of my group. Haha! We were kinda blur what to say when she threw us questions. DAMN. But it was a nice experience in that studio!

Then comes the problem. The next place we were to visit was RUMAH ZAKAT. But the bus we were in couldn't go inside. Hence only 20 out of 60 people were allowed to go there with 2 AMBULANCE VAN. :) In the end, only 14-15 went. And only 3 were ladies, me, Huda & Ustazah Sa'adah. There at the house, I interacted with the kids and they shared me one funny incident they experienced. The 5 of them were chased by 5 dogs on the way home from school. They ran for their life and went inside to one of the houses nearby. And they funny part was the owner of the house had no idea they were inside. Because she was cooking. To be exact, she was frying fish. :))

The beloved friends I made at the PANTI ASUHAN - WARDA, SUCI, SORAYA, NURUL, SARI, LAILY, ERLIN, YONA.

The dear friends I made throughout the trip - UMMU AIMAN, AMIRAH, AFIQAH, NADHIRAH, HAFIZAH, HUDA.


Thursday, December 20, 2007

An article from the newspaper really brightens my day and why not? It's about my beloved GREENVIEW SECONDARY. Wee~~

Well, ok. It's about the Normal (Technical) Stream students doing well for the 'N' Levels. Credits to themselves and those adults involved especially Mr Nazir & the lab assistant. I was indeed surprised to know that the students came to school at 6am till 5pm to do revision. And the lab assistant will wait for them, making breakfast furthermore. Gee. I congratulates those who have achieved satisfying results. I wonder how Sharique & Hafiz doing..


AND I LOVE GREENVIEW even though the environment there is different. No more Mr Malik. SADNESS.

Sunday, December 16, 2007
THE DAY HAS COME ; 12:13 pm

This is the day that we have been waiting for......
Hope that it will be a good news to me tho.

Friday, December 14, 2007
FUN ; 12:24 pm

dAMn! Sports Climbing Course has been cancelled due to renovation. BASKET.
This is 2 2nd row I signed up for aPDP course and was cancelled. Aarghh..

Anyway, I had a lot of fun for the past 2 days. Hanging out with the gang.
KFC, Pool, Bowling, Escape Theme Park. Goodness.
Yesterday the last pit stop was at Sharon's house. Was there till 10.30pm.
Then walkedto interchange with the guys.
Damn sleepy man.
But seriously I had a lot of fun.

And today...I have to report to work.


Tuesday, December 11, 2007
HMM..SO FAR..... ; 9:41 pm

I have to say that this time I am quite pleased with the fact that I put effort for this Term Test.
Unlike last Semester, I did not worked on the weekend. Wee~
I really spent both days studying.

Studied with Sharon on Saturday @ blk 425 from 4pm-8pm.
FUN, I must say. :)

The next day, I went to study with NYP people, Kak Zahira, Abg DD & Kak Huda @ Esplanade library from 11am-5pm. Wee~ I was the only that can withstand the coldness in that library and been sticking to my seat. For 6 damn hours, I did not stand. Fuyooo!!
Then at 7pm, I went to study with Sharon again. Hee..
By then I felt sleepy already..Heh.
Took 39 and I was inside until it reached Yishun bus interchange. That was my FIRST time being there. I was supposed to alight on the last few stops @ Pasir Ris but I di not due to my laziness. There at Yishun I was quite blur but I went on to explore the place.

MATHS paper was quite a killer. It wasn't like the practice given.
Section B was really 3/4 different. Man... If not, I would have scored quite high. LOL.
I took 34 that heads to Changi Airport first. Waste time but what do I care.

Today, EDev. And boy, I am so relieved my fav qn came out. I am really hoping to get that full marks, 15m. Yessa!

Tmr last paper, DFund2. Woohoo!

Tuesday, December 04, 2007
I WONDER HOW...I WONDER WHY... ; 9:10 pm

Finally, there's a day I can blog!!!
A lot of tests/exams have happened and are still coming.

Last week was a DISASTER. I swear I felt like having a breakdown.
Sunday- Tamadun Islam, Tafsir, Hadith. Then I rushed to work.
Monday- DFund2 Quiz. In the evening, Pizza Hut STAR Test @ AMK Pizza Hut.
Tuesday- PCBDS Quiz & LabTest, DFund2 LabTest
Wednesday- EDev LabTest
Friday- CompProg Quiz & LabTest. Then I went to work.
Saturday- Worked at 4pm.
Sunday- LAST DAY of madrasah. Gotten e results 'cept Tasawwur Islam. Ustaz Muji absent...hmph..Then discuss about FURTHERING our Islam studies. All Ustaz are giving the same advice, DO NOT STOP HERE. CONTINUE.
And now I'm thinking of KIM- Kolej Islam Muhammadiyah.
I want to excel in both duniawi and ukhrawi. InsyaAllah. woohoo~ chasing 2 diplomas..

This Week.
Monday-stayed back after school @ 497L to revise Maths.
Today- DFund2 Mini-Project.

And guess what?
Next week is the start of TERM TEST.
I die...

And so I thought I could rest during Term Break or go for work.
But I just remember there's the PSYCHO GROUP VIDEO PROJECT which is due the week after TermBreak. And there's the DFund MINI-PROJECT that need to be done @ Free Access Lab. So I guess there's no rest/work for me then. Hmphh..

But oh well, I'm looking forward to some events.
BGR @ Batam with MKS!!


bold italics and underline
