Thursday, November 27, 2008
SO ; 4:32 pm
Twice the tutor look down on the repeating students when all along it wasn't us doing it. Basket.......Vicky, Sharon & myself went rounding within ENG area during break in Sharon's aunty's car with Vicky being the driver (THE!). Met Maizum and the 4 of us went to the bus stop. Then, on the way back to school we witnessed a minor incident whereby a NS man fell with his bike on the road opposite Blk 10. Fortunately it wasn't serious and he managed to get up and pulled the bike by himself. And it turned out that the rider was my friend, Muhaimin. HURHUR.I read my cousins' blog who have updated. And gosh, how I miss all the fun we had together. But like what Nadz said, no worries. December Outing is coming right up. That will be after our term tests are over! Yeah!Right now, there's something both Sufyan and myself are into. And we're going to get it. Will elaborate on it more once everything is settled.And hey, SITEX IT FAIR 2008 has just begun! Wanna go or not? Hmmm...
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
HELLO ; 3:46 pm
Initial plan after school was to go free access lab with Khalisah for CKTCS lab practice. However there isn't any free access lab opened this week.Hence, after CGINT ended, I joined the guys for lunch at ITAS(:Saw quite a number of NADI-ians. Heh. Made separate ways at 2pm. Mokhsin went for his CDS. Alifi & Shun went for dunno-where. LOL. And I ended up here, at free access lab. Mom said I don't need to come down and help since they've settled packing up already. This lab is filled with SIP/MP students doing last-min PowerPoint presentation. LOL! Muhaimin said today is the MP/SIP Judging and they have to wear formal clothes. So, all the best to him & everyone out there! Looking at what they are doing now kind of scarying me. HURHUR. Well, I guess I should.And gosh, I am craving for bubble tea! :DTo my dearest cousin,HAPPY 20TH BIRTHDAY KAK HANISAH!!!
Monday, November 24, 2008
Yesterday marked my first day working at the new outlet even though it's the 3rd day ever since it reopened. LOL.And yes, the place is so damn cold. I like! At one point, customer asked to change to other table because her place is so cold. Waddaheck. Last time, the complaint used to be "so hot", now, "so cold". LOL.Anyway, I brought along camera to take photos of the new outlet. But after taking candid photos of the staffs and letting Alif to browse through the photos inside, the camera finally died. Gee. What a good time. I didn't managed to get my aim fulfilled! And when I wanted to transfer the photos taken to the computer, there's only the candid photo of Sunita. The rest, GONE! Baasket. I think I knew why. So Eugenia! If you are reading this, the candid of you and Mui Hwee is nowhere to be found. DAMN. :DAnd something very very UNexepected happened when I was on the way to the toilet. When I relate the incident to my colleagues, they laughed so hard. Baasket.
But seriously, I do give alot of thoughts to this smiling thingy. Giving a smile is the first step to making new friends. However, I am afraid, that if I do smile to the opposite sex (which I always do), they might get the WRONG impression. Which I think I am experiencing right now. Gah. I am so dead meat. Please do not ask me what's the incident about. It shall remains confidential for right now. Unless you know what happened then that's a different case. :D
Anyway, today is the 24th Nov! Which means, CHALET TIME! Woohoo! Can't wait to go swimming! Wee~ Me and Nurul have made plans. We decide to meet after school then go to the chalet together. Once we reach, we gonna jump straight into the swimming pool! Haha. Macam betul jer.
I still have yet to pack for the chalet. Uh-oh.
MOOD-EXCITED. Luckily for me, I have no MONDAY BLUES for this semester.
all these while i've been lying to my own self when i say i don't bother about him anymore. because deep down inside, I still think about him every day every minute. the feelings has never changed. and that shall lingers on. the times we had together, are just too memorable to let it go.
Saturday, November 22, 2008
PENTAS:SUTERA was a success! To everyone's surprise, it turned out better than our expectations. After all the rehearsals that went wrong here and there. Even the final full dress rehearsal didn't prove that we are prepared for it. It was only in the actual performance did we able to give our best shot! Even though there were a few glitches but nevertheless, it was awesome! Alhamdulillah! (:

And from PENTAS is where I found my primary sch classmate, Nurul Atikah. And from GVSS there Juhana, Juhanis & Zul performing Silat and Fayadh for PST(Dikir).
So I guess all those time leaving school at 12am and rushing for respective last bus is worth, isn'it? And yes, it's a memorable experience. I will definitely remember those times when everyone is panicked and "not-nice" words came out from their mouth unintentionally when something not supposed to happen, happened. HAHA!
Oh. And yesterday also marked another major event which is the RE-OPENING OF CMP PIZZA HUT! Looking at the photos taken from Fat's blog, all I can say about the new outlook is, "Wow!". Totally a new different! I can only recognise the babychairs! HURHUR.
Thursday, November 20, 2008
THIS IS IT ; 5:11 pm
Today is the day that I am not looking forward to. Because this is the day where the waiting starts.On a lighter note, for the past three days, I gained new friends! Yea. So I guess this shall lessen the boredom in classes? LOL.Congrats to those who passed the PSLE. Especially to my dearest cousin, Amirul! (:
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Although Tuesday was not spent with my close buddies, it wasn't really a boring day or perharps, a lonely day. Because it seems, I bumped into other friends and so there comes the smiling here and there. (:For the 2nd time in 5 weeks, I attended both lectures. Then NetInfra, I gained a new friend named Arif when we had to find a partner for the lab. He's friendly and smart and he got initiative! As for ICAPP, I made quite a number of new friends. Honestly speaking I was suprised the guy 1 seat away from me knows my name and even offered a mentos. (:After ICAPP, since I have the time to kill, I followed Rizal to library where all we did was to review on past year MCT papers. HAHA. And yup, he gonna give me his MCT notes since he doesn't need them. (:At 6pm I went for PENTAS Rehearsal. Unlike yesterday where we did nothing, today was much better as we really were on stage and doing things that we ought to. And yea, my position was changed last minute. Now I am a Stage Crew instead of Usher. HURHUR. Good & bad things. (:Ended at 2245. Took bus home. Bumped into Saufi when he took the same bus. Talked. Then as we were about to alight, I saw a group of boys and I saw him! My brother! HAHA. He's back from Perth! It's so cute knowing his friends fetch him from the airport. LOL. And boy, it was Haikal who pushed the luggage. Baasket. TopOne is so lazy. But then again, it's so funny. This was when it happened. Both me & Saufi were walking on the zebra crossing and I did realise there was an oncoming car. The driver was speeding but he did not show any sign of stopping. However, for some unexplainable reasons, I just could not stop walking! I was still walking when suddenly Saufi just raised his voice and pulled me back by the forearm. GOSH. Had he not stop me in time ... Worst, if I was alone when it happen. BUMMER.Allright then. I guess it's time for me to go off and revise PEDrive! Oh. I hope I can do the quiz well even though so far no one has told me it's easy to tackle. HURHUR. And I have 2 coffee to accompany me revising! All thanks to Saufi! (:
Somehow, I kept thinking today is Thursday. GOSH. See how eager I am to take PEDrive quiz! ;)
Monday, November 17, 2008
Something most stupidest happened at 1am.It has got to do with carrot juice and me sleeping.And nope, it's not a dream/nightmare.It happened in reality! damn.
Sunday, November 16, 2008
WAITING ; 11:47 am
Pictures say it all. On the night of Thursday, the Azman Family went to Changi Airport to send off Sufyan. Initially I was told the check-in was at 2100h. Somehow later I was told check-in was at 2230h and his flight is at 0110h. =_= Anyway, he'll be back this Tuesday and we're told this time we do not need to fetch him because his friends will be doing that. LOL.
After CKTCS lecture, I went straight to meet Nyzah and we had lunch at Breadboard. Before that we had to walk through the CCN stalls and we stopped by Seri's and bought cookies! Hee. Then after lunch, we met a few other of NI girls and we went CCN-ing. By 2pm, we all went off on our separate ways.

Then at 1700h, Sunita finally came to Punggol and I joined in. The driver sent us to the Escape carpark where Ariff & Danial joined in to help us carry the stuffs. Waited for Adilah & Sally. Then the 6 of us walked to the pit and to our surprise, it was occupied by a group of teenage girls. They asked whether we don't mind change to their pit. We wouldn't mind had the pit not muddy and dirty. I guess they could see the pissed-off expression on Ariff that they decided they will change to their own pit. (:
The newly-bought tent! 
Ariff, Danial & Sunita at work! ;)
Took a few photos only but it's no point uploading here since all are blurry. As promise, I called Noval and the phone was passed from one to another. LOL. He sang on the phone and being impolite, I laughed it off. Plan backfired. He didn't laughed too. HURHUR.
Woke up and felt something different. Sore throat and muscle pain on the both shoulders. I do not know what's the cause. Perharps, drinking too much of Orange Juice and carrying the Fried Rice? LOL.
I only reached Downtown McCafe at 1600h. Sat for awhile and talked to Khalisah for a moment before going out to the couter and ordered Double Choc Frappe. As I was waiting, I browsed through pictures from my camera album when sudddenly someone called out my name. I looked up and saw Saufi! LOL. At first I thought he was out with family since he was pushing someone in wheelchair. But I realised the people who were in front of him were also with kids in wheelchair. Guess he was doing some volunteering then.
Then last min Khalisah had no mood to go HOMECOMING. The $20 tickets suddenly becomes a big deal. Bluek! So okeh, I didn't went also. Because as far as I know, none of my close friends from 4e4 are going. HURHUR.
So we went Sheesha at Bugis. The place is called Nasrin. Eh? LOL. Aniway, I love the food there lah. Good choice of food, Lisah! (: Then at 2030, I had to leave because the headache is too much to heck care. LOL.
Supposedly to be at the SINGAPORE ZOOLOGICAL GARDENS. But Nurul told my mum she can't go since she has projects to do so my mum told me I do not need to go and I can study for my quizzes. OK. I'm fine with it. (:
I wanted to say how regret I am not going to CKTCS lecture that often as I am now blur on Tutorial 2. However, when I read someone's blog, he said the CKTCS lecture was a waste of time. WADDAHECK! Padahal sama lecture seh. :P WAHAHAHA.
Thursday, November 13, 2008
I GOT MY CARROT JUICE! :p ; 4:39 pm
For the past few days I've been sleeping early. Then either sleep all the way or wake up in the wee hours to use the computer. HURHUR. Nevertheless I am still late for my 8am lesson today and I am very sleepy! Seems like it doesn't make any difference though.
Later, I'm going to Changi Airport! Woohoo! And no worries, this time I go there for a reason not for road trip. Family gotta send off Sufyan who is going to Perth, Australia for 4days on a school trip. Like, waddaheck! Cool man! He made the history of being the first in Azman Family to go overseas other than Malaysia & Indonesia. =_=
And yikes! YDC Gathering is on this Saturday at 6pm! It clashes with my homecoming! Damn.
Nyzah, if you happen to read this post, I'm not able to go there. Kirimkan my salam to Ustaz & all the fatayats members please! (:
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
This is the classroom where 4E4 '2006 rocked on! HAHA!
And tada! Artworks are displayed at the study area. GOSH. I guess all the unclaimed works are being displayed. That includes the not nice ones too and yeah, I refers to mine! Not others. Go figure which is mine on the photo below. (:
The artwork on the right side is my classmate's. Can't remember who. Either Luqman or Nizam or Zahirrudin. LOL.
We only left the school at 11:50am. I wasn't planning to skip CKTCS lecture though at first. But after someone(bluek!) suggested to explore the school, I went "why, not?" HAHA!
Had our lunch at Breadboard. Noval called then hung up. Pretty soon, I got another call from a private number and I thought it was Noval! And damn, it was stupid. Even though the person claimed to be "Tarmizi" I thought he was lying. It was only when he repeat "Azimah. This is Tarmizi." in a firm voice that it dawn to me it wasn't Noval this time. DAMN. I seriously made a fool of myself.
Then an sms came up and it's from Noval. What he wrote was like a smack on the back.
But then again, it is too soon to plan. Anything can change after he works. Probably get married there. WAHAHA! So, aniway, Noval sends regards to all the PHut people!
Sharon, Khalisah & Vicky waited for me to end class at 6pm. Overjoyed. A promis is a promise. So I called Noval. (at last!) And I was up on the phone for 20mins, talking about the happenings at Pizza Hut, our own lives, BGR(lol!), and some politic stuffs (he started it). =_=
The plan to go COFFEE BEAN/STARBUCKS is cancelled so me & Khalisah took the same route with Sharon. Bumped into Yan Hong(is that spelt correctly?) and Zul at the bus stop. Sharon left first as she was rushing home. So the remaining us went to POP White Sands after which we took Bus 89 to go home. And while waiting for the bus, Zul let me played the games at his iPhone and it was darn fun. At the same time, Khalisah used Yan Hong's iPhone. Like, waddaheck. Both guys have iPhones. =_=
Sunday, November 09, 2008
ALLRIGHT! ; 11:38 pm
Woohoo! Today is definitely awesome!I stayed at home the whole day with the knees still hurting.At 3pm, my dear bestest cousin Kak Zah & family came over. Funny thing was, she wouldn't have come in the first place until, she found out I wasn't working and I'll be at home the whole day that she decided to come over. It's great that she made that choice. SMART! :DShe used the computer to edit her "abandoned" blog and for some research that benefit both of us. But ended up we are still unsure. So while she used my computer, I used her newly-bought VAIO notebook. And dang, she got most of my favourites songs inside! Coool ke per. (:So yeah, that's all. I really enjoyed the day because of her company! And dang, starting from this Wednesday till the end of the month I'll be occupied with activities- hangouts, Changi Airport, BBQ pit, GVSS homecoming, ZOO outing, rehearsals, performance & lastly CHALET!!!!!! Yessa! :DAnd sadly, there's 3 days where my rehearsals clash with my other activities. HURHUR. Baik ke per. LOL.
EXHAUSTED! ; 1:40 pm
Yesterday shall be my first and last day working there. The atmosphere was very different than in CMP PH. It's much cooler (though sometimes I feel hot too), VERY slacking (especially in the morning) and the customers, they were VERY friendly! And one more thing me & Sunita discovered was, babychairs are rarely being used. Only twice on that day. The outlet have only 3 babychairs. Imagine at CMP we have 8 babychairs and sometimes it's not enough. =_=And damn, my knees are still hurting! I don't know why after working my knees are really weak. Same goes for Sunita. Maybe because the area is bigger unlike ours and thus we walked a very long distance? LOL! By the way, my hp stated I walked 7.0 miles equivalent to 14, 464 steps taken on that day! HAHA!Finished at 11plus and went home taking bus! Mom surely gonna be pissed off if she found out I did not take a taxi. HURHUR. Anyway, Sunita acccompanied me to my block where Danial was already there to fetch her. Reached home and was elated nobody used the comp. So I used it and had Khalisah sending me all the proj documents. I wanted to blog but halfway chatting with Ain, I fall asleep. Though this wasn't the first. LOL. Kak Zah & family coming here pretty soon. I'll guess I'll be doing my school work after that then. BYE.COM!PS- ALOT of my favourites songs were being played from the radio at work! VERY VERY ALOT! But sadly none from Linkin Park. HEH. Oh. And working there made me missed my CMP PH colleagues (even though we met the day before). And yes, we are taking advantage during this renovation period. We gonna have much upcoming activites, I heard! (:
Saturday, November 08, 2008
MEMORABLE ; 1:19 am
Friday was indeed memorable. I went eHub again [2nd time in 3 days] to watch a movie, THE COFFIN with my GV closest friends- Amirah, Azizah, Nurmani & Rabia! In short, it wasn't scary just the sound effect that made us screamed. Amirah still owe me a reason why she desperately need to change seat with mine, which was 1 seat inside from hers. HAHA.
After which, they went to KFC to eat and I stayed up till 1835 then I excused myself to leave and head to Somerset! Thanks girls for all the fun & laughter. Happy giler to see you girls again after sooooo looong! (:
1st attempt -I took but only 3 inside.
2nd attempt- Amirah took and she did it!
That's with GVSS friends. Next, CMP Pizza Hut!
Junaidi was the one initiated to have the dinner for the seniors and yup, everybody came even though we were noted on the morning itself. HURHUR. And I was quite surprise to see all the 3 managers present and yes, that's include Prasad who have just came back from India yesterday.

Did you see that white plastic bag beside me? Well, that's mine! Next time I shouldn't joke I want to have a takeaway for the remaining food. LOL.
And once again, GROUP PHOTO! All the 15 of us! However, the photo may not agree with what I said. Try count the heads you see. Surprisingly, there's more than 15! ;)

All of us were wondering how much the whole dinner costed. We kept guessing but no one knows the right amount Ju99 paid. Seriously, a BIG THANK YOU to him & wife, Lina! :D
Thursday, November 06, 2008
This post is all about ex-GREENVIEWIANS!First, I bumped into Amirah & Azizah at the bus stop. And you bet I was so delighted! I am sad they are not going for the reunion. Thanks eh korang. But they say they'll be holding a mini-reunion for us and our friends in return. Keep that promise eh! (:Earlier on in the library, I chatted with his friend who was from GVSS too and asked whether he'll be coming. And to be honest, I was quite surprised to know he graduated way earlier. He was in the batch during the GVSS blackest days when we had the most rebellious students and known as a gangster school. HURHUR.And finally, about this GVSS senior of mine whom I often bump into ENG school. Just last week we bumped into each other and instead of giving the blank look as we always do, we smile at each other! LOL. I think he finally recognised me uh. LOL.I just received an sms from Jennifer saying she & Wan Ting are not going for reunion. Baasket. Now I am seriously wondering. Who from the Sec 4Express are coming? Hmmm.
Come to think of it, I've been acting quite strange towards him. I think he sense it. Twice he did something and my reaction was damn pathetic. Just a weak smile and a blank stare. DAMN!
SO FAR SO GOOD ; 6:31 pm
Although it's not officially confirmed, I am so darn excited on what's taking place on the 15th. Sadly, most ex-GVians I asked, they are either busy and have other plans OR, they are just not interested as we have to pay quite a sum of $. Dang! Oh. Guess what? TP bookshop is having a closing sale with 30% discount for ALL ITEMS. And boy, I went there to buy BLUE TACK since my sis need it. Had it not for my mum asking me to buy, I won't be in the bookshop at all! It was so packed and quite alot of stocks are gone - drinks, gifts, and wishing cards. And it took us 30mins to get to the cashier. The queue was so damn long till it reaches the back of the shop where the notebooks were.I have alot of things to talk with my friends who work for the same company as me. But we rarely have the chance to talk now that we are in different classes. It's so hard. *sigh*
Today was exciting! I really understand what was taught in PEDrive tutorial. And yes, my tutor is from China. There were times I did not understand what was said. One example was when he said, “The question is hot.” HOT? There were giggles and someone from the back asked “hot?” It was only when the tutor said it again that we understood what he meant. “The question is hard.” =_=
Then after school, I met with Sharon for lunch at Breadboard. At first when she asked whether want to join her & Sanjay to watch HIGH SCHOOL MUSICAL 3, I was reluctant cos I was in sleepy mode. But in the end, I still went and last-min we invited Khalisah too!
And while waiting for the Sanjay and friends, Khalisah & I saw our malay teacher. And damn, I wanted to approach her and strike a conversation but this Khalisah pulled me away. Baasket. And yeah, there's a reason why she did that tho. It's LAME! :P
Overall, the movie was awesome. Everyone was like groaning when it comes to singing scene but I love it! The songs were all so catchy & seem so right! LOL. Funny moment was when Khalisah sang along (this was the 2nd time she watched HSM3) and once the song was over, she stopped. Then seconds later, she turned to me and asked, “How come I have 2 bag of popcorns? “ Waddaheck!
And then, here’s the highlight. As we walked out of the theatre, we were so engrossed with our conversation that we just followed the 3 young kids to the exit. And boy, at one point we arrived at the dead end! There’s no exit and we had walked to the wrong side!

And guess what, we were not alone. Behind us, there were more people walking on the same path! And, damn. Seriously I felt so embarrassed. ALL OF US WERE BEING MONKEYS. AND YOUNG KIDS FOOLED US. Oh my god!

Later on I'll get to see Dee's lookalike! :D
And I have found a new place to hang out! What else if not Punggol Plaza! At least it won't be a boring trip anymore. I could drop by Pizza Hut and slack there. (:
Wednesday, November 05, 2008
LAST DAY, 3 NOV. ; 7:33 am
There won't be anymore SALAD BAR
Soup won't be a self-service
It's almost empty now that the tables were removed.
Last but not least, GROUP PHOTO of the Service Crew. And I just realised the ones present were all the seniors. And yay, I am no more the youngest among the seniors. Eugenia & Joanna have just turned a year plus of their working lifespan here. CONGRATS! ;)
The working atmosphere on the last day was somehow different. Quite a number of us were frustrated [won't mention here what's the cause]. We closed early because alot of stocks were not available. LOL. Immediately everyone was busy doing their closing. Too busy that none of us remembers to eat. HAHA!
At one point I had to take hot water from the dishwasher and I guess I came at the wrong timing cos the guys doing washing were in bad mood. So I got scolded for nothing. HURHUR. But they were back to normal the next. Guys!
We are able to bring back items home such as plates, salad bowl, mug, etc. And even food! And yeah, I am the one that brings alot of things home. Blueberry cheesecake, warm choc cake, pleasure pair cakes, cocoa powder and the whole lot of strawberry sauce. I guess it's alot till even Ridwan remarked, "Ade kenduri eh malam ni." Baasket.
Some too bought things home. It was hilarious too see all of us taking something from the bar or the office to bring it home. JOANNA even took the SANITISER! Oh my. LOL. :P
And Noval called me twice! But as per usual he hung up the call. Noval! IF you are reading this, I apologised I didn't call you back. My handphone bill is increasing. Damn. And this goes out to Ismail too who is kinda angry I didn'r call or sms him. =_=
Monday, November 03, 2008
HEY OH ; 1:20 am
Today will be a loooooooooong day. Nevertheless, it's all about having FUN. :D Looking forward to see you people. (:
Sunday, November 02, 2008
STOOPID ; 2:45 am
011108.Not a good day at work. Customers were being unreasonable. Not once not twice but thrice! And for the first time ever, I had my vision blurred. It was funny how I could let my emotions took over me. LOL. But everything ended well. There was a meeting after closing and we had a great laughter, chicken rice which is damn nice and lastly, the farewell cake! Ayub came down to CMP at around 9++pm and said he was from Changi Airport, sending off students to Madinah. At first, I had no idea why he wanted to tell me cos I find no relations. Until, he said "Mecca" then I remembered! Bro Shafiee is leaving for Madinah to further his studies and he has invited all MKS Youth to send him off. And dang, course I didn't went since I already sent my roster to work full-shift. LOL.031108. FRISBEE with plates after closing. HAHAHA! Confirm we'll end late. Some already plan not to come to school. Should I do what I did last week? Skip my 2 lectures and only come for the lab? :DI build a friendship with the cleaner & KFC rider. Just because of a smile & a nod to them. (: