Bad start on the first day of school. I woke up late, leading me to miss my PEDrive lecture. BUMMER. Apart from that, the rest of the day was fine. ORGCOMM was superly fun + hilarious. Especially the "meeting". Thanks to the 9 people! ;)
Harith! Initially it was hard to guess your identity since you weren't talking that much. LOL. But good thing you progressed! :P I'll be careful if I have you in my group, Mr Porcupine! HAHAA. Juust joking! (:
Left school at 1735 for work. Reached CMP quite early at 1820 but it took me almost 30mins to get out of the restroom. Thanks to the person on the next cabin. Apparently my scarf brooch and safety pin dropped to her cabin and she took so long to get out. I know I could have just talked to her but boohoo, I did not. :D
Work wasn't busy. Everything went smoothly until the electricity broke down. I became more panicked when the electrician had unsuccessfully attempt to fix it and saying he did not know what was the problem. BUMMER. So when it finally did worked out, I jumped for joy. ROFL. Crazy, man.
So aniway,
kepada semua Muslimin & Muslimah!
One of these days I'm sure going to Bugis to buy what I've been craving for! ;))
Sunday, December 28, 2008
AMIRAH'S BIRTHDAY PARTY CUM MINI-GVSS REUNION Both me & Farah Idafe had to wait 2hours for the VIPs, Amirah & Azizah. BASKET. The BBQ and all was supposedly to start at 4pm but thanks to the girls, it delayed till 6pm! Thanks uh. HAHA! One by one started to come- Fitri, Syamim & Zahir. And when Naqia came, everyone was like ???. Somehow they thought she was in England? Hmm. I was left clueless aniway.
So yeah, I can pretty well say that the BBQ was damn kecoh. Haha. Amirah's relatives were damn sporting. That can be seen on the video I took when she had to cut her 2nd cake. It took almost 3minutes for her to finally cut the cake! Waddaheck!
We took photos of Amirah with each and everyone of us. And when it comes to ahem, all of us were teasing her. KWANG3! Even after 2years, the "joke" is still on! Sorry Amirah! The guys won't let it go. (: CAKAP PASAL REMAJA SEASON FINALE Went for the "ONE GOD, ONE UMMAH" talk with some FATAYAT members, Huda, Ida, Hudade, Atikah, Rasyidah & Rafidah. At the Auditorium, I saw more familiar faces, NurIkhwan friends, SPMLS, the youths from Al-Ansar and more FATAYAT members with their friends!
After the session and Maghrib prayer, we attacked this murtabak shop nearby, recommended by Huda. And yeah, it was definitely YUMMYlicious! All of us ordered Honey Chicken Murtabak. (: GIRLS COUSIN OUTING It wasn't a Zoo nor Sentosa nor Twilight nor picnic outing. But instead MIND CAFE @ Boat Quay! Within that 2hours, we managed to play 3 games, DIRTY MIND, PINK ELEPHANT & EXPRESS IT, GUESS IT! HILARIOUS! After one hour there, I had headache because of too much laughter especially on DIRTY MIND. All of us really thought dirty things.
After the games and all, we proceed to LJS to eat and that's where I bumped into Rabia, my BWPS classmate!
The rest of the day was spent walking around the area cum taking photos!
And yeah, we plan to bring the guys along for the next visit which is like, soon. Before March! ((:
KENDURI @ Cik Yati's condo house where everytime we come, we face problem because we do not know how to operate the device on the lift. HAHA! And the aunts & uncles have planned to organise the usual outing which is having a picnic at East Coast Park on Chinese New Year Eve. This time, OVERNIGHT! Yessa! Looking forward to it. =D
SALLY'S MINI-BIRTHDAY CELEBRATION I came over to PHut to celebrate Sally's birthday. Of course, Sally had suspected something was amiss because the people who wasn't working on that day came over during closing. Fat, Syidah, Sunita & myself.
SHEESHA Met up with Azhfar, Zul, Lina and friends for Sheesha. But I still don't sheesha-ing. (: We went to Amirah's Grilled Cafe hoping to get the comfortable sofas and all but alas, the place were all occupied and reserved so we got a place outside, on the rooftop. HAHA!
There were 6 of us but as the time passed by, more people joined and more people went off. At one point, Azhfar's friend came over with her friends. And I was surprised because somehow it feels like a mini-BWPS reunion is going on. Wahidah, my BWPS schoolmate was beside my table with her friends. And one of the friends that Azhfar's friend (I forget the name) bring along with was Stella! So yeah, the three of us were simply amused. LOL.
Oh. And we played MURDERER! Damn fun. HAHA.
WORK Surprisingly, the situation on Christmas Day wasn't busy as what we expected. I was late for one hour and throughout the day, I get teased because of it. And something disgusting happened. Hurhur! Apart from that, everything else was great. Everyone cooperated so the teamwork was there and I felt we did a great job. (:
Last 2 days ago, I received an oversea call but I purposely didn't pick up. When I think back, I should have answered!
And hey, tomorrow school reopens! Mixed feelings though. Heh.
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
WAWAN! ; 11:41 am
SELAMAT PENGANTIN BARU to Abang Boboi and partner, Kak Fizah! And before Abang Boboi left for Yishun, we had a talk and he said he'll be furthering his studies at TP! COOL or what man! He will pursue a part-time diploma in Logistic Management. InsyaAllah. Wee~ Another cousin added. :D
And during the wedding event, I neglected my duty for awhile to spend time playing Hide-and-Seek with WAWAN, Kak Bobob's 3-years old active son. Doesn't he look a bit like David Archuleta in the 2nd photo? LOL.
And I realised CAKAP PASAL REMAJA [CPR] clashes with my NADI OUTING. Oh well, I've decided to go for CPR with Fatayats instead as this upcoming event is the season finale and I have never went to any of the previous events before. Haha. I remember I wanted to go for their N.O.P badly but I had NI commitment at the same time. So, this time there shall be no valid excuses for me not to come. (:
So yeah, I'm sorry Nadi-ans I won't be able to come for the outing. Hurhur.
2 straight days I dreamt of him. Oh how I wish it really did happen!
PS I won't be using MSN anymore due to some freaking problems. I give up trying to log in. :S
Sunday, December 21, 2008
FUN, FUN, FUN ; 5:14 am
It was my first witnessing how akad nikah event goes like. I wasn't planning to go to the other party house, sending the hantaran. But they were shortage of manpower. So... Apparently, the place is at Yishun. The last time I was there was when I missed my bus stop and went till the interchange. HURHUR.
Next, after closing was Pizza Hut Christmas Party cum Birthday Celebration. We had Junaidi's Chicken Rice & 52 Cup Walker Bubble Tea (Ju's treat) before the activites began. Losah! You heard that? 52, dude! HAHA. Tempting ke per. :D
And I thought after the exchanging of gifts, it's time for HOME SWEET HOME. How wrong was I when Sally or Adilah announced there were games later on. HURHUR. Nevertheless, it was darn fun! Our ex-riders from Punggol Plaza came down. Awal was there too.
TWEENS aL.I.V.E was a fun experience. All the kids weren't what we expected. They were very high, participated in our activities. And also, they have a big appetite! LOL.
Photos are uploaded to my Multiply.
Anyway, I've got something to share. This happened on last Sunday when I was working.
customer: So, what promotion are you all having? me: Erm. Right now, we are having a Christmas Party.
Thing was, I wanted to say "Christmas Pizza" but somehow, I said "Party". LOL. And that wasn't the first. They were quite a few but I managed to stop halfway and said "Pizza". Heh.
tagboard is spoilt so here's the replies:
to sharon: hurhurhur..yeah.right. :S to khalisah: haha! ypu know very well who the person is, Losah! (:
Sunday, December 14, 2008
SHOOT! ; 3:13 am
HIS FRIENDS KNOW. This is so embarrassing.
Anyway, to my dearest twin cousins,
And not to forget this special person,
Friday, December 12, 2008
RULE #1 People who have been tagged must write their answers on their blogs and replace any question that they dislike with a new question formulated by themselves.
RULE #2 Tag 5 people to do this quiz and those who are tagged cannot refuse. These people must state who they were tagged by and cannot tag the person whom they were tagged by continuing this game by sending it to other people.
1. Do you have secrets? - Uh huh.
2. Would you fall in love with a boy/girl older than you? - Well, that's what I prefer. Heh.
3. How long do you intend to wait for someone you really love? - Good question! I have no absolute idea! HURHUR.
4. What would you do with a billion dollars? - Travel around the world with the loved ones.
5. Will you fall in love with your best friend? - Erm. No? Doing so will bring an awkwardness in the friendship. Better not.
6. Which is more blessed, loving someone or being loved by someone? - Being loved by someone, of course. (:
7. How do you define Love? - Love is ... a commitment that requires unconditional sacrifice, patience & loyalty.
8. If the person you secretly like is already attached, what would you do? - Heartbroken! And I will slowly trying to move on.
9. Is there anything that has made you extremely happy? - Yeah! This week brings alot of happiness in me. (:
10. What makes you sad? - When things doesn't go as planned.
11. How would you see yourself in 10 years time? - Having my own family already. Wahaha..
12. Who is currently the most important people to you? - FAMILY & FRIENDS.
13. What is being regarded as the most important thing in your life? - There's more than one. Diaries, letters, photos of the loved ones.
14. Would you rather be single and rich or married but poor? - Though this is not my first to face the same question, I still have not decide. :S
15. What is your favourite colour? - Black, Purple, Blue & Green.
16. If you fall in love with two people simultaneously, and both of them do the same, who would you pick? - The one that I feel more comfortable with, more understanding, etc. In short, THE ONE is MORE. LOL.
17. Would you forgive and forget no matter how horrible a thing the someone has done? - I'll forgive but never will I forget.
18. What do you want to tell the someone you like? - "Something is wrong with us."
19. If there is a choice between lover and friends,which will you choose? - Friends is still the best!
20. Do you believe that there's "True Love"? - Definitely. (:
Too many locks, too many cries, Too many tears, too many lies, Too many barriers.
Finally I am done with Term Test. As the saying goes, "Save the best for the last." Hah. So true. Indeed the last paper was the best among the rest! :S
So it's now officially the start of holidays, eh. Hmm. But I don't see a day where I can be at home the whole 24/7. *sigh*
Tuesday, December 09, 2008
CONTENTED ; 5:29 pm
Since I am not having any paper tomorrow, I shall take the opportunity to blog of the recent happenings.
SATURDAY Supposed to study with Muhaimin and later, with the gang (Khalisah included) at 497 and but at the very last minute, Atikah had to go hospital for a blood test and I was needed to babysit Amirah at home. =_= LOL. Sad to say, I didn't manage my time very well. I was glued to the TV watching the previous episodes of Amazing Race 13.
SUNDAY Again, I was glued to the TV for the same reality show, resulting in having missed calls and messages which I replied late. I only got up and get myself ready to go out after Nyzah & Zariq's smses pestering(lol!) for my confirmation whether I'm coming for the studying. Kwang3. Reached Elias CC at 1530. There's Nyzah, Zariq & Sayyidi. Zul came but left soon after. Funny guy.
At almost to 6pm when I thought of going home, Khalisah called and asked to join her and the rest, Azhfar, Zul & Lina studying at Sengkang. Woohoo! Luckily it was Sengkang! Heh. Met them at CMP and we had our dinner at Banquet. After which we proceed to 239 for our studying. Left the place at 11pm.
MONDAY SELAMAT HARI RAYA AIDILADHA! HAPPY 18TH BIRTHDAY TO SAYYIDI! As per usual, gathering at Nyai's house. Sadly, not many cousins turned up. Either sick, coming later or involved with the 'korban'. We did managed to discuss on the cousin outing though. Plan to have a cousin meeting through MSN. Cool ke per. (:
It turned out the study with Saufi was delayed. We had planned to leave our respective gathering at 1400 but I only left my place at 1600 and he left his at 1730. So instead of having the studying at 1700, we only began at 2000. Hurhur. Ended at 2315. There were countless times of embarrassing moments occurred to me but for Saufi, it's hilarious. The one responsible for this? A CAT! Aargh.
Reached home and managed to watch the last few part of Mind Your Language and then continued to watch the remaining scenes of the repeat telecast The Amazing Race 13 finale.
TODAY I woke up for Subuh prayer but at the same time, I was pissed off. Not with other people but with myself. And that's because I did not had enough revision for NetInfra. I concentrated more on PEDrives. Lame, right? LOL.
But what matters at the end of the day is that I was able to do both papers! Alhamdulillah, they were similar to the past term tests which fortunately, I attempted. :D
Called Mom that I'm going home straight but she asked whether I could accompany her to Punggol Plaza to buy groceries. I was more than happy to tag along. :))
In return, mom gave me a treat. ONE BIG BOTTLE OF CARROT JUICE! Yessa!
Saturday, December 06, 2008
Friday was a great day indeed. After lecture, I met Nyzah and we both went to library because I wanted to find Past Term Test papers. But to my dismay, I found none. So the solutions I wrote down during CKTCS lecture isn't much of a help because I do not have the questions. LOL.
As we went out of the library, I saw Amirah & Azizah! Chatted for awhile and I lend my CashCard to them. Haha. Jangan lupa kasi balik sudah.
We proceed to Breadboard where we bumped into Misrah & Tas! Finally! Lunch together! Haha. I orderded my favourite Cream Breaded Chicken. (:
Going to 2pm, Nyzah left the canteen and Khalisah came over. After which we proceed to library to revise with Vicky & Sharon. We left at 5pm. Both me & Sharon went to Changi Airport. (: Left the place at almost 8pm.
Today going out to study again with the gang. And maybe, if time permits, I'll be studying PEDrives with Muhaimin.
EIFFEL...I'M IN LOVE is so awesome! And so....romantic! Wahaha! I'd rather go for a guy like the one in the film, Adit. A man of few words but his actions say it all. :D
I was mesmerized. (:
Wednesday, December 03, 2008
Now this song is stuck in my head. Hah! Anyway, TERM TEST is just around the corner. Wee~ And since I'm not working this week, I shall make use of the time I have. (:
So to all those having tests or whatsoever that's similar to TT (lol), ALL THE BEST.
And I thought after Term Test, I can enjoy and work almost everyday. But dang, the first week of school holiday is already packed with activities. Tweens a.L.I.V.E Camp, kenduri and Abang Boboi's wedding in first week. And unfortunately, I am not able to come down for Pizza Hut Christmas Party deh since I will be very busy helping out with the wedding. Hurhur.
But, where's the cousin outing? Hmm...
And from now onwards, I will avoid from having to walk on zebra crossing ALONE especially the one nearest to my block. That particular zebra crossing and me cannot click, seriously.
You bet. For the 3rd time it happened (twice on the same place) and for the 3rd time I escaped getting unhurt physically. I am really playing with my life there. Shoot.
STUBBORN TALKATIVE SHORT CHUBBY bolditalics and underline