Basically 1st week of MP is doing research, Google Earth-ing for Flight Simulator and learning how to fly. Last time during Year1 I always wish how one day I could have the access to enter the Aerospace Lab. I thought I will never get it since my course is Electronics. But who would have thought that my MP is under Aerospace and that I will get the chance to enter the lab and play around the machine? :D

Whenever I'm the one playing it, my flying usually comes to an end due to "AIRPLANE OVERSTRESSED". End up I will be stress too since I do not know what's the cause of it being overstressed. =_________=
There's another cockpit where we are in-charge of. FRASCA 131 Flight Simulator.

And I'm so relieved to see my friends got through their repeated modules and now doing MP too. (:
This one below just recently happen. Dear Hani, I think this shows that you are very sleepy and tired.
Must go rest ok.
NADI Gathering @ Shah's house.

- PENTAS Screening. Watched and discussed what really happened backstage then. However, it stopped at the best part-> the Silat. :(
- Seri announced the bad news- MAG might be closed down due to a reason which we find is very ridiculous. =_____________=
- Seniors Farewell Party. Unfortunately the guys weren't present so only the farewell tokens were given to the girls- Ain, Suhailah, Aqilah, Nadiah & Radhiyah.
- Movie Marathon. And the DVD we watched? PULAU HANTU. It wasn't scary but just full of suspense. It's funny to see other people's reaction. Hehe..
Left the place at 1900.
After which proceed to Bugis. Met Azizah, Amirah & Rina at Iluma. They were there to see David Archuleta live. Managed to see him from far. LOL.
Satisfied looking at David A, we proceed to Amirah's Grill. However, before that, we stopped by Bugis Junction to buy CHEWY JUNIOR CREAM PUFF. ((:
As we were heading towards the door to exit, I managed to scan the family who were the only customer left in the restaurant. And boy, I recognised 2 of them! The guy in red was my PSPS classmate. If I remember clearly, his name is Hussein? LOL. And the guy next to him is Deen. The guy whom I made friends with during the ICG's Swarnam09. I didn't want to smile at first cause I scared he didn't recognise. However, he made the first move and smile. Kwang3...
Worked. Heck, I had so much laughter especially after closing. In short, Ain & Rianah were damn high. (:
And this marked the 1st day ever in my working years with PH that I walked home from work at midnight. No, it's not about missing the last bus. However, it's because the rest of the girls- Ain, Rianah, Hafizah & Hani were all walking home hence I decided not to be the odd one out. Heh.
At one point, Rianah accidentally spat out the Grape BIG GULP drink onto my face. That was my first time. LOL. And no worries Rianah, I forgive you. KWANG3. (:
Worked. Another day full of laughter. (: Thank you guys!
Worked only in the morning. Sorry guys I couldn't extend. If I could I would. Hurhur.
Aniway, I head to Bugis. I saw Farah inside Masjid Sultan. Met Kak Zahira at 1940. Proceed to Black Box @ National Library for the EIGHT.IN.A.BOX Theatre where my cousin, Hana is one of the casts. One word-SUPERB!
It turns out Ruzaini, my secondary school senior was part of it too. He lives in Punggol and for 2years (when I was in Sec 1, he's in Sec3), we often board the same bus to sch but the thing is, we never talk nor smile at each other. So yeah, today can say it was my first time talking to him, all thanks to Hana for pestering me. LOL.
On the way home, Sunita called and asked to acccompany her to PP PH. Mom gave the green light and off we went to our destination. Awal was having a meeting hence we just loiter-ed at the staircase. By 0020, I left the place and had Sunita & Syidah walked me home. Thank you. (:
Worked. And once again, it was fun. Helmy was the CSR and he sleepwalked. LOL! He slept wherever whenever he could. Be it at the CSR stand, walking around the restaurant and even when waiting for customers to settle down. I witnessed one scene whereby a lady asking him for a highchair but he didn't budge. The lady didn't look at him but I guess when she saw that Helmy wasn't reacting, she looked up, look annoyed and talked to me instead. Hurhur...
Worked. I initiated a breakfast at KFC with all the fullshift people who start work at 12noon- Ridwan, Hani, Ain, Eugenia, Rara & Seng. But only Ain & Hani were up to the challenge. Outcome? There wasn't any breakfast at KFC at all. All late. MUAHAHA.
And only 4 people do closing. However Khalee had to do wash so left Wan, Ain & myself. HURHUR. But it's all great. Apiz came down and helped out.
Today ITE schools reopen. To my ITE friends (including PHut ppl),
Whereas for me, 6 days left to school reopens and yet I do not have the excitement.
I seriously do not know what to say. Dumbfounded.
That aside. And for today's post, it's all about the outing I had with Khalisah & Sharon just now. Bowling at SAFRA Tampines. It's a good thing the area wasn't crowded. Earlier on, while on the way up to Level 3, an embarrassing moment occured. Let's just say due to my stupidity of not able to recognise the OPEN/CLOSE button, 1 guy was left behind while his friends managed to go inside the lift. I felt so embarrassed and apologised to the friends. I dare not looking at them. Luckily they were fine and even laughed it off. HURHUR. And once we're on Level 3, I was the only one came out. The 3 of them went down to fetch the guy who was left behind. Next thing I knew, I saw them at the Bowling area. Daaang!
1 round of bowling was not enough so we played twice! 1ST ROUND
Coincidentally we wore our favourite colours shirt. BLUE, PURPLE & GREEN! COOLness(:
After which we head down to Pizza Hut Tampines Mall to grab the Student Meal offer.

Proceed to TOYS"R"US with a mission. However we left the place empty-handed. I loves PLAY-DOH! Then walked around in ISETAN and I saw Ivan Ng, my closest friend back in Pri 6. Apparently he works there. Didn't thought of taking a photo with him. Hurhur.
THANKS SHARON & KHALISAH FOR THE WONDERFUL DAY! I loves the company and yup, we shall meet again real soon! :D