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Saturday, December 29, 2012
twenty thirteen ; 12:20 pm

In a few days time, it will be 2013.
Time is indeed fast eh.

New Year Resolution?
Hah. Still the same thing; lose weight and be financially stable.

Will plan the short-term and long-term goals when I have the time.
Oh! I have a new interest, and that is RUNNING!
Having said that, I want to participate in runs next year.
Still a beginner so me and my buddy, Hajar will only join 5k runs first.
My aim is to finish 5k in 45mins, then 30mins.
After which, we shall slowly join 10k.
I am unsure whether I want to take up half and full marathons though.

It all started with my friends posting in FB about their marathons experience, with photos included. I find it cool and interesting. My first run I participated was SHAPE Run, along with a good friend, Hajar. 5KM. We both liked the feeling and from then onwards, we start looking and planning out for potential runs.

Ohh, and 1 more thing, I think it's time I participate in Personal Development courses? I have this CSC Ordinary Membership which is valid for 2 years, and till now I have not make use of it -_-

That, and also I'm thinking of taking up some Islamic courses as well, probably to start off with, at Darul Arqam itself.

That's about all.
Enjoy the long holidays, and Happy New Year in advance! (:

Thursday, December 20, 2012
'based on a true story' ; 12:00 am

Title says it all. I prefer watching movies that are inspirational, moving. And if it's based on a true story, that is the best!

I just found one and sadly, only Cathay Cineplex is showing. The movie was released on 13 December. As far as I know, today is the 20th, it's only 7 days the movie was out yet not all cinemas are showing?

Please help to remember this movie's name: 'The Intouchables'.

Maybe once the DVD is out, I could rent it :)

Wednesday, December 19, 2012
HELLO! ; 11:18 pm

Oooh I was greeted with a surprise with some figures when I logged in to update this. Didn't know Google provide the number of ppl who view my blog and from which country they are from. Cool but I find it scary as well, hahas.

Erm. Hello! To you, who is reading this (:

This world is full of lies.
Terrible lies. Isn't it?
I feel so annoyed with these type of people -_-

It's been a year plus a debate has been going on in my mind whether or not to buy a POLAROID or a TOY CAMERA. I thought I end it well by deciding to buy HOLGA 135BC. But, I came across POLAROID LAND CAMERA SX-70 and fall in love with it. Hurhur.

But then again, does having this is important? I don't want to just anyhow spend $ :(

I am currently reading about Islamic Finance & Banking. I can't remember what trigger the interest but the next thing I knew, I was searching for such related books in the library and even placing a reservation. As usual, these books are lying at home, pending for my action heh.

A friend of mine, coincidentally gave a link for Islamic Personal Finance Planning Course to be held next year. Check it out!

Thursday, August 16, 2012
shopping experience with him (: ; 12:55 am

These 2 off days, I had spent most of the time at Geylang with Sweetheart in search of his pink Baju Melayu, to pair up mine. And boy, was it hard and challenging :D I thought, that between the 2 of us, I would be the one having difficulties in getting an outfit due to my height and fussiness :D

I had no idea he has a detailed kind of baju melayu he is looking for. So after when we bought mine on Saturday, I was quite relieved. In general, guys are the easiest to buy stuffs, compared to ladies. So of course, I was not worried. But little did I know what followed next... :D

Apparently, the kind of outfit he's searching for was a rare collection. Seems like it. We had no idea it would be this hard to find one, till I was at a point thinking that maybe no such outfit exists, hurhur. 

I had to admit there were certain times I too became frustrated; how hard it was to find, having  a 50-50 certainty of the existence of the outfit and wondering  why didn't he just give up and buy a normal one. 

But yeah, if I do look at a different perspective, I realised something; one of his positive trait. Like what he said, "I will only stop searching for it until I am sure I have gone through all the shops here." It's like a slap to me though. Unlike me, the fickle-minded person, he is someone who knows what he wants, and his eyes goes straight for just that one thing! Amazing that he wasn't attracted to other patterns of the baju melayu. Die2 want the ones with the frog button! 

Alhamdulillah, eventually we found it! What we were looking for, that shop on the 4th floor of Joo Chiat Complex has it! The price was over the budget but alhamdulillah, the salesperson allows bargaining and he even offered a price which was fair to both parties :) Oh ya, not to forget, I received alot of "Told ya, baju ni exist!". Hahaha, ok dear, you win! :D Guess his stubborness and patience paid off then! Hee :)

So yeah, Sayang's quality somehow reflects this relationship of ours. There is a saying, "If someone wants to be a part of your life, they'll make an effort to be in it." Same thing as having something that you have been yearning for. You'll work on it. 

Reminds me of how he was like before we got together :P The strong guy who did not give up, although it took him 2 and a half years of getting what he wants (: 

My very own personal soldier,
I really admire your good qualities.
Without realising it, you teaches me about life.
I love you so much  (:

Monday, July 30, 2012
Solat for Adults @ Mawaddah Mosque ; 12:12 am

Alhamdulillah, my weekend was a fruitful one.

It's amazing how you go for a course alone, but at the end of it, you leave the place with new knowledge and new friends. And now, I have a group to go with for any Safinah's events in future, insyaAllah.

One thing for sure, I definitely did not regret attending this 2-Days course. Looking forward to their upcoming programmes! :)

"Anything we do, is a reflection of everything else."

Sunday, July 22, 2012
Welcome, Ramadhan (: ; 10:40 pm

Bumped into this Nasheed while searching for videos of Mishary reading some Al-Quran surahs. Nice! 

Tuesday, June 19, 2012
JUNE ; 9:31 pm

Quite a few interesting events that took place so far in this month of June.

1st June- marked beloved guy as a civilian after 2 years of NS :)
10th June - 3 years of relationship with the above mentioned guy :D
15-18th June - 4D3N at Kelantan & Terengganu :)
19th June - beloved guy received a call for interview, finally! :D

and for tomorrow, another half day to spend with the beloved handsome guy :))

Holiday was not that great, neither was it bad. It was just average. The trip really made me feel the stress-free. Aaaah, the workload in office... *cries at one corner* HAHA. But really, I like the atmosphere, so relax-ing. No need to worry; just shopping, eat, toilet, sleep. Continuous for 3 straight days :D Good life, huh.

Taman Tamadun Islam. I must remember this place in future. HAHAHA. Because it's a good step to bring future children to learn more about Islam. Another point is, due to time constraint, I was not able to fully make use of the facilities and enjoy as much as possible. Hence, I want to visit that place again!!! :D

Masjid Kristal is superb but not as awesome as Masjid Putra which I visited when holiday-ed at KL with Nyzah. I still want to visit and better, to pray as a jemaah at that masjid. One of the most wonderful mosques. Saying this, I feels like doing some mosque-hopping around the world hehe ((:

So that's about it, I guess. Till next time! (:

Oh wait. June also marks the month where Sweetheart grows his goatee! Yay! Yeah I know I mentioned it in the earlier posts. But this is also interesting, as I had waited 2 YEARS for this! Hee.

Thank you, handsome. You never fail to make me happy (:

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